
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Proud purple to angry red: These Florida residents feel unwelcome in 'new' Florida

Jean Siebenaler moved to Florida following her retirement to bask in the warmth of the Sunshine State.

"I finally thought I'd be sitting on the water with an umbrella drink in my hand," she said.

The Milton resident, a military veteran and retired physician, now says she wonders if Florida was where she needed to relocate after all. Having been politically active in her home state of Ohio, she finds beach time consumed by "steaming and stewing" over the state of the state and local politics.

"It's very upsetting, the direction we see Florida heading," she said. "Every day I wonder why I am living here."


HAHAHAHA..... yeah, I have no sympathy. Either move back to Ohio or suck it up and deal with it, lady.


  1. Move 100 miles west of San Francisco and you'll be happy.

  2. Read the whole article, then tell me you don't agree with the sentiments expressed by Goering about pulling out his Browning.

  3. My favorite sight is seeing yankee tags headed north on I-75.

    1. Yeah, but go all the way back to where they came. No more halfbacks that end up in the Carolinas. We have too many as it is always bitchin and trying to play their asinine bullshit around here. We had a town hall meeting near where I live about gun control In the aftermath of the Nashville shooting. Six Moms demand Action ladies in their t- shirts. I walked in with my Bill Buppert ZeroGov Drive a rifle or ride a boxcar shirt and sat right beside. They didn't make a peep or eye contact. F*ck em

    2. Be still my beating heart and thanks Ricky Bobby for flying the freak flag. Moms Demand Action should be a porn site. I will be moving permanently (returning) to Florida in October.


  4. This 2023 example of a Military vet and retired physician and likely a big fan of Admiral Rachel Levine was planning to set up a VFW Transgender center in Pensacola an has seen red state reality.

  5. LOL. 'It's not fair that you treat me like I'd treat you back where I came from'

  6. No one cares what she thinks or who she sleeps with. It she just keeps her mouth shut and doesn't bother anyone, no one will bother her. What's so hard about this? She wants conservatives to keep -their- opinions to themselves, right?

    1. She wants conservatives to obey her.

    2. @Charlie E Hargrave August 24, 2023 at 7:21 PM

      To be fair, that's what conservatives want. So, she's got that goin' for her.

  7. What a crock of shit. The typical liberal game plan: spread lies, stir up fear and make unfounded accusations of violence. We don't give a rat's ass who these fudge-packers choose to pack, whether or not they want to accessorize with face diapers, and we're not even close to the racists they are. Boo-fucking-hoo from southwest Florida, bitches.

  8. Oh BOO-FUCKIN'-HOO! How does it feel Libturd? I have lived my entire adult life behind enemy lines in the deep blue state of Kommiecticut, and will only be able to leave after my wife passes because she refuses to leave. She thinks it won't be any better someplace else but oh how good it could be. Any way, the Commies that run this welfare shithole seem to always try to out-commie the previous legislative session and administration, and there is no way to vote out Santa Claus or out-vote the "gibs me dats." Constitution State? Puh-leeeeeze!

  9. I couldn't finish the article.

    This man Lucas is reported to worry that felons are vulnerable because they cannot carry a firearm.

    That plus other bleeding heart BS is why I stopped reading..What they don't mention is that every of the laws mentioned is in response to the garbage that the flaming socialists have put into the schools and society.

    The reason why FLA is 'changing so fast' is for no other reason but that the socialists have moved so quickly.

    Oh boo hoo that a teacher complains that he cannot teach in the way he thinks important. Good! A teacher's personal whims have no place in school.
    One can be very engaging - make learning fun - to students without interjecting their personal ideology.

    None of them featured in the article comprehend the irony and hypocrisy of their positions. To them, their personal ideology is as important as is history, or math, or science. Screw 'em. Fire them with cause. Charge them in civil actions for willful violations.

    1. Don't forget the part where some idiot is complaining that their undocumented, meaning illegal, immigrant friends had to leave because they were afraid they would be deported. Or how so many teachers are quitting, and the NAACP and a couple other groups issued travel warnings, actually issued TRAVEL warnings to blacks, LGBT..., and Latino people because of how bad Florida is.
      I have news for all these nutjobs, here in Michigan it is not too easy for conservative old white guys, while there is complete Democrat control of our government.
      One thing that I have to add, unrelated, is a former candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Michigan, who lost to Hilary Scholten. He was appointed the Ottawa county administrator, with the conservative board firing the previous liberal administrator. Now Gibbs is seeking to reduce the budget of the Ottawa county Health Department from 6.6 million to 2.2 million. The official from the Health Dept. that I saw said that she suspects it is in retaliation for actions taken by them during the pandemic regarding vaccines and masking. While Gibbs says no, I don't care if it is. If it is, it is well deserved. The leader of the Health Dept. claims that they might have to shut down shortly after the beginning of the fiscal year in October. While I don't like it down in that county anyway, it is a good example for others to follow.

  10. Love it. THIS is what the lib-dems do to everyone else. Payback's a bitch. And self awareness is totally foreign to their nature.

  11. That is our nations problem. They leave their shiitehole BlueDeath city and then are POed. that we don't want the garbage they wanted that drove them away from that disaster they created.

  12. New York is calling, they need fools like that.

    1. As long as the bastards stay down-state, close to Jersey - fine.
      That part of the state is already a shit-hole.

      Whitehall, NY

    2. I have to agree with Leigh, the border region is toxic. A fortune 100 based in NJ bought the company I worked for about 25 years ago. I won't name the f100, but it's initials are JNJ. The most insufferable pricks you could ever have nightmares about meeting. "They needed killing" doesn't even begin to get to the point when dealing with them. Calling them New Jersey douchebags is a compliment.

  13. Yahoo News. Say no more.

  14. Jean is a retired physician, and this sort of entirely predictable situation is "very upsetting"?

    Hey Jean, when I retired, I had to flee the People's Republik of Vermont, where I was forced to watch a bunch of what we called "flatlanders" ruin everything they touched while quadrupling the tax burden on anyone who worked for a living.

    Did it suck? Yup! Was I ever "very upset"? Not really.

    Deal with it or move, Jean.

  15. why is it that the newcomers want everyone to be like them? Stay where you are at and be amongst folks like you.

  16. Uh-huh.
    When I see union halls, naacp offices, and abortion clinics fire-bombed, when I see schoolboard members getting the Reginald Denny treatment for pushing communist indoctrination (aka: grooming) when I see bicyclists committing arson to someone's biden sign and 'peaceful protesters' pulling purple haired liberals out of their electric cars and beating them up, then maybe I'll believe those whinging little crybabies.

  17. Every thing that idiot said is why I'm in Fl. Stay away from Tallahassee, Orlando, Miami, Key West and Tampa. Those areas lean toward blue.

  18. Add one more note because the crybaby moved from Ohio. Maybe she'll recall the bang-up job the installed and his transportation director did back home.
    More concerned with diversity than a trainload of chemicals polluting the air, water, and farmland.

  19. You see an oval "GBTO" rear window sticker in the Lowcountry from time to time.

    Go Back To Ohio.

  20. She's welcome to fuck off back to Ohio and take her Marxist bullshit with her. The massive influx of assmonkeys of her ilk over the last 50 years is why our once-lovely state has become an amalgamation of ghetto/barrio/cookie-cutter shitholes. The only places even remotely tolerable are the vanishing rural areas.

  21. They're trying everything to get Desantis selected as the Republican presidential nominee, ain't they.

  22. Fuck Yahoo, Fuck her and please take 10 with you on you way out California is your place

  23. Channeling the ballad of Jed Clampit, "Girl move away from there, California is the place you need to be, load your truck up and move to Beverly....hills, that is.....

  24. Well, take your pink yankee ass back to the north. We don't want you here anyway, commie.

  25. I know exactly how she feels. I've lived in California, Michigan, Massachusetts, Vermont, and in Northern Virginia. Occupied territory all.

  26. 800,000 immigrants leaving Florida isn't a bad thing unless, of course, they re-settle in Texas.

  27. I want to see Florida sue the organization(s) that spew this vitriol, “Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ individuals”… where’s the proof? Show me the raw statistics that reveal this openly hostile behavior. They cry wolf and issue travel bans and warnings all because the majority of people there don’t agree with their views. Dig some nice holes at low tide and bury them up to their neck and let the crabs have dinner.

  28. This whole article is like a breath of fresh air to wife is a teacher who finally told the union to stuff it after years of paying dues that went to top union officials salaries with no benefit to those who were footing the bill....and finally, maybe some common sense will return to the schools in don't like it here, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way back to lefty land....


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