
Monday, August 14, 2023


Over the past three years, journalists have come up with many reasons for the rise in heart damage (e.g. showering). However, none blamed it on the experimental gene therapy administered to billions around the globe. 

Let me walk you through my TOP 20 reasons in this thread.


  1. There aren't enough lamp posts....

    1. There’s an estimated amount of 26 million streetlights in the US. That’s a good start. There are plenty of poles in between each lamp, and depending on their weight there could be multiple to each lamp. in addition, will the available wire from the poles be used (I’m assuming EMP or total SHTF scenarios) or will rope be needed?
      Just asking for a friend.

  2. #11: Caution to biological women: "don't get pregnant". To non-biological women: No problem, get pregnant no matter what. (HOW of course is not discussed).

  3. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 14, 2023 at 5:46 PM

    I realize it's hard to believe the rich fucks got together and planned to kill us all. But it's the truth and it's happening before our very eyes. The more Covid jabs you've let into your body, the greater your chance of dying.

  4. The daughter of a friend just had her third miscarriage. Dad says explain this, she isn't vaxed. Her husband is though. Might that be behind her losing them?

    1. The spike protein artificially created by the clot shot - sheds - exactly like the virus.

      His fluids also have the spike proteins - you know, the ones the "experts" SWORE would never leave the clot shot injection site....


  5. No one was forced to take the jab. Well that is unless you wanted to keep your job and provide for your family. You hear it all the time now. And those that did take the jab are now in three groups, 1. They are dead already, 2. They have buyer’s remorse 3. They proudly boast of their jabs and still think they are smarter than those that did not take the jab.
    It’s the children whose parents took them to get the jab. That’s criminal.
    Look the further we get from this, the more the truth is coming out. When will the trials begin, when will the hangings start? Or do we just track them down and exterminate them like The Orkin Man would. Be The Orkin Man. Long live The Orkin Man.
    Not sure about you, but some people are starting to get seriously pissed. Guess thats why the FBI had to kill that 75 year old dangerous terrorist in Provo, Utah. The FBI is sending a message to the white, tax paying, people of the FUSA.
    Be The Orkin Man.
    Oh wait someone is knocking at my door, I’ll be right back. I hope!!!!

    Saber 7

    1. I quit my job when some asshole who is not in charge of me told me to wear a mask, fuck him, the company and the shitty way they ran it. Never looked back.....

  6. A lot of those triggers are activities mainly associated with Whites - keto diet, sarcasm, gardening, rural life, shaking out the duvet (how many homeboys and -girls know what a duvet is?) Why not just cut to the chase and report that 'being White' is associated with early death from heart attacks and our only hope is to get jabbed and boosted twelve times over?

  7. #1,3: Ahh, of course. "We're all dying of heart attacks because of climate change." Fits the narrative perfectly.

    #2: Aspartame breaks down into embalming fluid. It's SO much worse than the sugar it's supposed to replace.

    #4: I wonder how many of the current generation suffer because helicopter parents didn't let them play in the dirt as children, and develop some basic immunities.

    #5,6: Jesus fucking Christ.

    #7: There's been a concerted movement to make eggs seem unhealthy for a long time now. It used to be about cholesterol.

    #8,17,20: If only the exact opposite weren't true.

    #10: Points for creativity.

    #12: Oh noes, the trannies!

    #14: I learned not to sleep in on weekends in my early 20s, only because it shortened my time away from the grind.

    #15: Again, the trannies. I don't know of a more hostile and angry group in existence.

  8. Don't fing forget. Never comply.

  9. Aaaaaaannnnnnnd, the tweet has been taken down.


  11. #15Being sarcastic: Oh, great! Now even sarcasm gives you a heart attack? Well, that’s just the “heartfelt” news I was waiting for. 🤡🌎 Yeah that’s a big frigging help.


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