
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Report: Workers at SF Federal Building told to work from home due to crime concerns

SAN FRANCISCO - Workers at San Francisco's Federal Building located on 7th and Mission streets are reportedly being advised to work from home due to safety concerns over crime.

The Chronicle reported that the Department of Health and Human Services issued a memo last week calling for employees to "maximize the use of telework," due to conditions around the building. 

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has also reportedly expressed safety concerns about her staff who work there. 

The plaza has been known for years as a place where drug use and sales are common. 


  1. Just means her staff will be committing their crime at home.

  2. That is f*cked up when the congressional representative tells the people from their district not to show up due to crime.

  3. Nancy Pelosi telling people to work from home? Doesn't she remember that home is where gay hammer attackers lurk?

  4. When they are home doothey shit on their own sidewalks?

  5. Cool. Now they can use the empty federal building to house their homeless. Uh, I mean their "residence-bereft".

    1. C'mon, Man. Get with the program. The term is "Unhoused".
      You know. Kind of like Harry Reid called invaders "Undocumented Americans".

  6. It's a part of net zero, the same amount of work still won't get done.

  7. Then the state will side step it with different restrictions, just like New York did…Cuomo in a dress is even worse

  8. Better yet, just fire them. No one will notice.

  9. Did you see the building? The Nancy Peeelosi federal racketeering and office building? Its as ugly as she is! Who the fuck approved that architecture?

  10. Force every last one of them, including the wino, to park four blocks from the building and walk the remainder of it.
    If they are incapable of figuring it out, then Darwin will take care of it/them for them.


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