
Monday, August 14, 2023

So much for a sleepy Saturday morning

Five people were found dead after a house explosion in western Pennsylvania that destroyed three structures and damaged at least a dozen others, authorities said Sunday. 

Plum Borough Police Chief Lanny Conley said the bodies of four adults and one minor were recovered after the blast shortly before 10:30 a.m. Saturday in the borough.


  1. Investigation could take "months if not years." Meaning they'll string things out trying to deny culpability and screw over everyone involved until they accept (much) lesser settlements.

    Advice: If you have home insurance, and your house burns down, DO NOT talk to the insurance company. Hire a lawyer and have them do it. That's because on a large settlement, it's worth the company's time to dick you around. After all, every day they fail to pay you is one more day that THEY'RE the ones collecting interest on the money they will eventually have to pay you.

    If you hire a lawyer, they'll usually figure it's cheaper to pay right away than delay it while they also pay a lawyer to delay things.

    It's only on the really huge settlements (mutli-million) that they'll figure it's worth paying a law team to delay the payments as long as possible.

  2. Natural gas or a wannabe, but slightly less competent ,,prepping for another Timothy McVeigh moment?

  3. Meth house?
    Steve S6


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