
Thursday, August 03, 2023

Something To See Here?

Probably not. But the facts that have come out about the drowning death of the Obamas’ private chef, Tafari Campbell, are distinctly odd.

Campbell drowned in Edgartown, on Martha’s Vineyard, while paddle boarding. While the incident happened on Great Edgartown Pond, not Poucha Pond where Ted Kennedy drowned Mary Jo Kopechne, the locale is nevertheless resonant. The Daily Mail reports that Campbell was not paddle boarding alone, but “police refuse to name the person he was with.” Why might that be?


  1. Because hillary hates exposure.

  2. Replies
    1. The chef knew Michael Obama was hanging 10, but not his toes.

  3. Can't have anything negative swirling around the Obama's especially with all the rumors and chatter about a presidential run by Big Mike which would amount to a possible 4th and 5th term as overlord for B. Hussein.
    - WDS

  4. Barry killed him because he has pictures of mikes dick.

    1. Big Mike killed him because he had pictures of Barry's pussy.

  5. Another unfortunate instance of black on black crime. Hence, Sharpton's silence.

  6. well, he WAS writing a book about his time spent with the bozos. so, figure it out
    dave in pa.

  7. Obama is a faggot!

  8. The Secret Service probably took full charge of handling the situation, whatever it was, including getting the local police involved. The way the notification was made means nothing.

  9. Wait a minute here. Black man 'paddle boarding'? They hate the water and sink rather than float or swim. Is 'paddle boarding' the new euphemism, to replace 'jogging' in the lexicon? How soon before we refer to blacks being black as "summarizing Proust"?

  10. We have security camera video. The drowning actually occurred in the kitchen. See for yourself!

  11. Barack might have caught him banging that guy Michelle.

  12. Some facts conveniently left out of the story: 1. The "chef" was no longer employed by the Soteros. Why was he on the property? 2. The "chef" was a trained swimmer. How was it he drowned in a pond? I could see getting swept away in a rip current on the ocean, but a POND?

  13. Oh, and another item: Barry spotted on a golf course the next day with a black eye and bandaged hand. Not suspicious; not at all.


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