
Friday, August 25, 2023

"They weren't able to confirm if there was anything suspicious or not"

RIO LINDA — A homicide investigation is underway after a body was found inside a moving van in Rio Linda, authorities said.

The discovery was made along I Street inside a U-Haul van that was reported stolen, a spokesperson for the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office said.


  1. A stolen U-Haul van with a dead body in it on a dead-end road in Rio Linda. The irony.

    Rio Linda is the little place in the weeds north of Sacramento that Rush used to kid about. When he first came to town in '85(?) and wanted to get a lay of the land he went for a drive and joked about how every (mobile) home in Rio Linda seemed to have a car on cinder blocks in their driveways. From that day on he would use big words and always add the qualifier containing a simple term "for those of you in Rio Linda". And the people of Rio Linda loved him for it. He put them on the map, and he was their hero because he was right and they knew he loved them.

  2. More a case of poor writing than poor police work. The spokesman probably said , "No comment at this time" and the reporter twisted it into the headline quoted.

  3. This is why Johnny Carson, when explaining things that didn’t need explaining, would say “….. for those in Rio Linda…..”

  4. I went up to Rio Linda in '97 to see Craig Breedlove's latest incarnation of the "Spirit Of America." Got to meet him (childhood hero) and he was a really cool guy.

  5. Sometimes rental companies report rental vehicles stolen when they aren't returned on time. So one scenario that would not be suspicious could be that the person who rented it had a heart attack while sitting in the vehicle and died, thus not returning it in time. UHaul then reported it stolen, and the vehicle was subsequently found with the decedent inside. No signs of foul play. Hence, not suspicious. Reporter is too stupid or just wants to sensationalize the story, so he leaves out the details.

    1. "They found what appeared to be a corpse inside in the back of that van" said the police spokesman.

      Makes your theory a little less plausible.


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