
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuesday's gifdump













  1. #8 your typical a hole

    1. For some reason baseball attracts this kind of ass hole. Because of guys like this, baseball games are off the list.

  2. #1 You can't tell me the guy driving the tractor doesn't know the gang isn't dragging one the road. Maybe sharpening them up a bit?

    1. Failed hydraulics?

    2. If they failed I would think he'd disconnect them from the hitch and leave them someplace out of the way and get the tractor back to the farm long enough to fix the hydraulics.

    3. Was that video shot on Maui last week? Asking for a friend.

    4. I'd take a guess that that fella been out in the field all day and been hitting the bottle pretty regular. It happens.

    5. Or, they took away his driving license. So he took the tractor into town to get lickered. Now he's heading home in time for supper. It happens.

    6. just like grandpa use to sharpen his points. cheap and quick. sometimes the old ways are the best ways

    7. It's only cheap until they make you pay for resurfacing the asphalt.

  3. #8 - What can't she believe happened? That in a fair competition for some trinket at a ballgame, the males didn't respect the primacy and holiness of her vagina and just let her grab the ball? I'll bet she would have just dropped it anyway. Entitled bint.

    1. She was motioning for the ball. The player saw that and underhanded it to her. A self entitled prick reached in front of her and snatched it away.
      You sound like you're as big of a prick as the guy that caught it.

    2. I concur completely. It doesn't matter if women today are feminists or anything else. Men still should act like they have been raised properly, and not in some barn.
      Speaking of a barn, #3 the guy is running from a cow? I didn't look closely but I never saw any horns on that critter. I had a cow try to get me while helping a friend with her newborn calf. I just stomped at her and yelled, and she backed off. If a cow did that while my buddy was banding her calf's balls, then I don't know what the guy did to make him afraid of her. And no, I was a town dweller, although it was a rural town and not the city.
      I guess that we should feel bad for people who never got outside of a city, until later in life.

    3. #8 needs to be punched in the face
      #3 several of my cows have horns. One that's typically very friendly can get a bit pushy when I'm putting out cubes. She's hit me a couple of times with her horns. Last time she got kicked (stomped, really) square in the forehead. Since then she's still friendly, but a little more patient around cubes.

    4. Yep. Total dickhead move.

    5. I would quietly wait for that daft prick to get up and start down the bleachers, then push his fat ass down the rest of the way while yelling, "get the ball!"

    6. It's called competition. If a male competes against women, the woman usually loses. Yeah, the dude is an ass wipe but $hit happens all of the time. And of course, everyone wants to come to the aid of a poor little "victim." JEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. It wasn't a fucking competition, the player threw the ball to the woman and the dickhead snatched it out from in front of her.
      Pay closer attention to the comments next time - nobody was defending her, we're just calling the guy out for a dick move. JEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. Wirecutter respects fairness. I like that too. But many Americans think might makes right. So we end up with pricks and punks running things.

    9. Historically might does make right. But that's also why chivalry, decorum, manners, and gentlemanly behavior was developed. The guy taking the ball demonstrated that he's the type of person to eat the last morsel of food while his wife and kids are starving.

    10. Pigpen: Horns or not don't tell you if it's a cow or a bull. In some cattle breeds, neither sex has horns. In most breeds, bulls, cows, and steers all grow horns, unless the farmer removes them. My Dad used a chemical paste on the horn buds, so they never grew.

      The horns do grow differently according to sex, if allowed to grow. Cows grow relatively small forward-pointing horns to skewer any predator that goes after the calves. This was prominent in the old longhorn breed - a Spanish breed that was branded and turned loose to fend for themselves - because the cows that best fought off wolves were the most likely to have calves that lived. Bulls grow larger horns that turn backwards at the tips when the head is down in battering ram position, so they can fight other bulls without risking deadly penetrating injuries. (Brain damage seems likely, but how would you tell with a bull?) The signature set of longhorn horns is on the steers (castrated males); without male or female hormones, these horns would grow straight to both sides and very long, with the tips turned forwards, to best protect the cow or calf next to the steer.

    11. Is there nothing you're not an expert in? Anything at all?

  4. #3: That boy is lucky that cow is just playing. I've been charged by mama protecting her calf and it's a whole different thing.
    #7: Quite the pussy to be afraid of a little toad/frog.

    1. Meh. I've done something similar. When you see something crawling up on you, your first response is to knock it off/get it out of the way/ get away and *then* figure out what it is. I've particularly done it outside when I feel something crawling on my arm. I reflexively jerk my arm and knock it off, and then ask "What the hell was that?:"

  5. #8 The old dude's just trying to impress the kid in blue in hopes he'll let him suck his dick.

  6. #1 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you sharpen your blades on you harrowing machine!

  7. #3 The heifer was just playing and running with the young lad. If she had serious intent to harm, he would have not made the fence.

    1. +1 Playing is all. When they drop their head you know they mean business.

  8. Am I the only one to yell "M-m-miss!" at #2?

    1. I was hoping for the pole to snap off at the base.

  9. #1 - friend told me about a time he was moving from one field to another, hydraulics line gave out and the back end dropped where he couldn't pick it back up. Just shifted to a lower gear and plowed the road until he got to the next field. Happens, apparently.

    #2 - those poles aren't designed for that type of load - would of been funny to see it snap off it's base.

    1. #2: Aren't they designed to do exactly that?

  10. Christ, I hate those assholes that grab baseballs from the people reaching for them. And how can they do that to kids?

  11. Had a prick try to do that to my then 8 year old daughter. The player pointed to her and then tossed the ball. Guy pushed his way over to get the ball from her. I used my hip to knock that jerk out of the way. She caught the ball, he flipped me off and I just smiled at him. My daughter is none the wiser about what went down and loves that ball. She keeps it on her windowsill and has a great memory and story! Screw that guy!

  12. #1 & #6 are a laugh riot until your young daughter or wife runs across the ruts made by the vehicles in question some January night.

  13. No. 8: Chicago. Nothing more needs to be said.

  14. #2: That pole's gonna have a short lifespan if they keep that up. Save it for emergencies when you're escaping an angry husband.

    #3: The look of terror in his eyes is priceless.

    #7: The ranidaphobia is strong in this one.

    #8: You're pretty cute, I'm sure you could talk a young guy like that out of the ball. As long as his semi-retarded looking friend there doesn't interfere again.

    #10: That's gotta be a card.


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