
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tennessee Democrats Criticize Rules for Special Session

The Tennessee House of Representatives passed a set of rules put forth by the Select Committee on Rules for the special session by a 73-23 vote on Monday. 

Despite its passage, some Democrats took issue with a number of the updated rules for the special session, including the ones that address disorderly behavior, disorderly conduct in the gallery or lobby, and when members go off-topic during debates. 

Rule 18 was one of the criticized rules, as it allows the forfeiture of time for members who go off-topic when recognized by the House Speaker during debates.


Wait, they'll have to act civilized?


  1. Leftists ruin everything

  2. A perfect example of an old adage passed on to me by my daddy: "You can take them out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of them"

  3. The only people who would object to the rules listed planned on disrupting the special session. I'd suggest continuing all of the ones listed for future general sessions.

    I wonder what enforcement teeth are in the new rules. Clearing the gallery is easy. but can they sanction and eject members who egregiously break Rule 2 or Rule 35?

  4. Democrats took issue with a number of the updated rules for the special session, including the ones that address disorderly behavior...

    Wait, isn't chimping out a guaranteed constitutional right? Pretty sure the 14th amendment codified that bad boy.

    1. Those new rules are going to severly crimp Al Sharpton 2.0's tactics.
      "No bullhorns? That's boo-shit."

  5. We learned Robert's Rules of Order back in FFA. Yes, Future Farmers learned how to carry on a civilized meeting.

  6. I suspect this rule was specifically aimed at three members, two of which were ejected from the House and one that was censured. I've actually met the censured one, and she is a slovenly, loud-mouthed know-it-all Democrat.


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