
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

VDH Commentary: The Great China-American Abyss

Imagine if the United States treated China in the same way it does us?

What if American companies simply ignored Chinese copyrights and patents, and stole Chinese ideas, inventions, and intellectual property, as they pleased and with impunity?

What if the American government targeted Chinese industries by dumping competing American export products at below the cost of production—to bankrupt Chinese competitors and corner their markets?


  1. “What if American companies simply ignored Chinese copyrights and patents?”


    Show me a Chinese copyright or patent WORTH stealing in the first place! You cannot. China doesn’t foster creative thought. It’s an affront to their very culture under communism. Their entire industrial model is one of copying things others have made, cheaply. Unless someone else invents it first, China cannot produce it. Doesn’t matter what “it” we’re talking about, it applies for all.

    Everything China does, and everything China IS, is built off of stealing the ideas of others. They cannot think for themselves, outside of designing molds for rubber dog turds or trinkets for souvenir shops around the world.

    1. This!!! "Show me a Chinese copyright or patent WORTH stealing in the first place!"

  2. And even with all of that, AND the continuous and egregious human rights abuses (murdering political prisoners for organ transplants) they still have "most favored nation" trade status? With the low terrifs and easy inspections that implies?

    Absolutely shameful.

    1. Are you talking about the US with the political prisoner reference?

    2. We haven't started the organ transplants. That makes We better.

  3. "Imagine if the United States treated China in the same way it does us?"

    Imagine's an interesting word. Didn't John Lennon explain it in his masterpiece philosophical song?

  4. VDH asks a bunch of obvious “What ifs”. Then goes into to answer them. But no one in congress gives a shit. You heard the good Colonel on Tucker right? DC cares not for the american populace.

  5. Does this guy Hanson know what is really going on in our country? Evidently not. I looked up the top US exports that we could 'dump' onto China - one of them was circuit that after we get the chips from China to attach to them? Another was petroleum products which our government is desperately trying to curtail the production of (for the environment, dontcha' know)!

  6. Wait! The Chinese have ideas?

  7. VDH forgot one 'what if': what if the United States had high ranking members of the Politburo on their payroll? Would that explain anything? Nah, never mind.

  8. Great! Now do... Oh, that's right. The United State is ruled by colonial foreign "investors". Including the Chinese. How can The United State collar Chinese investors, while allowing The Rules Based foreigners free reign?

  9. It was that great American W. C. Fields who said, "It is morally wrong to let a sucker keep his money."
    We in the collective West have very rich guys who have willingly and profitably transferred all that nasty manufacturing work to China and a load of other cheap labour, low environmental and social cost nations. Our "Green" governments have colluded because they can virtue signal that all that nasty polluting mining, steel making , solar panel making, etc. etc. has been eliminated in our pollution free, low carbon dioxide, real jobs free, "just-in-time delivery," utopias.
    Chickens are now home to roost when suddenly we need real factories staffed with real skilled workers, not graduates in Gender Studies, to keep our brave allies in the Ukraine supplied with real, functional stuff.
    Yes we even export our fighting to low cost nations.


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