
Monday, August 28, 2023

'We Refuse To Watch Things Burn'

Government officials in British Columbia, Canada, urged residents of wildfire-affected areas this weekend to stop taking hoses, sprinklers, and other firefighting gear from the government’s rescue teams, lamenting that critical equipment is disappearing.

Residents who spoke to CTV News confirmed that civilians are taking the equipment and trying to put out the fires themselves. They also said that, in many regions, civilians are the only groups of people actively trying to put out fires.


  1. "in many regions, civilians are the only groups of people actively trying to put out fire"

    What a those same regions, the only ones actively starting fires are with the government. All we need now are pitchforks and nooses.

  2. Listen up: We're the government you peasants we know everything and you know nothing...Sound like the Fauci 2 step? It's always been, is and always will be about control & power. They don't give a shit about you (I stole that from George Carlin).

  3. Castro's bastard son has increased the fire hazards in Canada by preventing good forest management and the clear-cutting of effective fire-breaks. He's the one to blame, him and his greenie cohort.

  4. between Maui and these Canadian fires some of the footage of cops makes it very clear these order taker a-holes need to be swinging from trees.

  5. Government officials have been repeating ad-nauseum that people need to "respect evacuation orders."

    It's made for some really interesting watching on the national news in the past few days. The Shuswap region (there's a huge fire in those parts) MLA (local provincial government guy) went on national TV and defended his residents along with their RIGHT to stay behind and protect their homes. The poor NPC host just sat there with a bewildered look on her face and didn't know how to handle it.

    The way I see it, if a firefighter can go into somebody's back yard and turn that house's garden hose on an approaching fire, then so can a resident. Lots of people who stayed behind reportedly have firefighting experience too, so let them stay if they want.

    There have also been instances of police running people off the road and confiscating supplies they were taking to the fight, and attempting (failing) to erase the footage. When this is all said and done, I expect a reckoning.

  6. The irony here, that British Columbia is the Canadian equivalent of Cuckofornia. The farthest "right" these people EVER vote is Liberal (which is the equivalent to the most leftist Democrats). They habitually vote NDP (New Democratic Party), which is equivalent to the US Communist Party.


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