
Thursday, August 03, 2023

Where Have You Gone Woodward and Bernstein?

The walls are closing in on President Joe Biden, and one lie after another falls apart about grandpa grifter’s reported millions of dollar bribes from foreign sources, from China, Ukraine–not Chicago, but other places where political influence peddlers and other pimps buy and sell politicians by the pound.


  1. Where have all the journalists gone?
    Long time passing.
    Where have all the journalists gone?
    Long time ago.
    Where have all the journalists gone?
    The evil has bought them every one.
    Oh, When will you ever learn?
    Oh, When will you ever learn?

  2. Ya missed the Pulitzer ground rules. Exposures in the Media only exist when the goal is Democrats crushing Republicans.

    1. Also: Complete incompetence as a journalist is no bar to receiving a Pulitzer. Illustrated by their response to requests to revoke Walter Duranty's Pulitzer for going to the Ukraine in the middle of the Holodomor (Hunger Murder) when the USSR was starving millions to death and reporting that there was no famine: There was no "clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deception".

  3. Fuck those commies!

  4. The media has Dems' backs. Americans are more heavily propagandized than any other people, including the NKoreans. Many many of them will do whatever their media celebrities direct them to. (FJ)Biden is their man.

  5. Many, many moons ago, I was talking with my cousin who received his BA in Journalism from American University in DC.
    He was taught and firmly believed that journalism is not accurately reporting the current events, but properly directing the reader's viewpoint of current events with subtly loaded, emotional writing, even if it were not wholly truthful.
    Through his lifetime, he was a committed Marxist working for UPI.
    Think about that.

    1. Polls, by and large, try to SWAY public opinion, not gauge it.

  6. Sadly, it will be up to historians to fully document what human shits Joe Biden and the rest of the modern Dems are. The media is ignoring their crimes like Newsmen did with JFK's whores a whole lifetime ago.

    1. If the news is a bunch of lies…what makes you think that the history books are any better?

  7. Find Hoffa and let Biden take his place

  8. That asshole Woodward published three anal probe books on the Trump presidency but has failed to review the Biden incompetence and corruption at all.

  9. The only way joey baby gets his comeuppance is if another lee harvey shows up on the scene pissed off because "Damn, it was really the CIA after all"....


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