
Friday, August 04, 2023

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

ORMOND BEACH, Fla. – People who live near the Ormond Beach Airport say they are used to noise, but after an airplane’s falling debris crashed onto their property, they are now demanding answers. 

When Bob Blankenship realized the pieces of metal and fiberglass were an airplane windshield that fell from a plane and landed on his property, he says he was floored.


  1. These folks should check Netflix for the 1980 movie: "The Gods Must Be Crazy". They'll be able to relate to it.

    1. There are two kinds of people in the world.
      Those of us who like that movie and those who don't.

      - Charlie

  2. From link - "In a letter to Blankenship, a local FAA safety inspector wrote, “The falling aircraft part situation is being taken seriously by our organization.”"

    Standard boilerplate language from every government bureaucracy, corporation, and NGO in the world.

  3. The people are demanding answers. One answer is "shit happens." Occasionally stuff falls off aircraft - whether they are private, commercial or military. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. I'm pretty sure the pilot was much more concerned about losing the windshield than the homeowner. A quick search on Al Gore's amazing interweb shows that airport was established in 1943 as a naval aviation training field - which I would assume was long before that miffed homeowner bought his house. Live under a flight path, expect aviation related events. Live next to a golf course, expect errant golf balls. Live next to a pig farm, expect pig perfume. Man up, Bob or move to a place of guaranteed safety.

    1. All of what you said, Peaowed, and this: it happened ONCE and somehow it's an imminent threat to life and limb from that moment onward.

  4. He was floored? He's lucky he wasn't flattened.


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