
Monday, September 18, 2023

Burbank mayor addresses backlash over drag queen spanking video

Burbank Mayor Konstantine Anthony is facing criticism from largely conservative circles after he was recorded on video being spanked by a drag queen over the weekend, but he’s defending his actions and arguing that some of those critics are responding out of anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry.


How far have we fallen? Let's compare a couple of events:

Twenty years ago, my Congressman Gary Condit lost his bid for reelection after his affair with Chandra Levy was exposed during her murder investigation. It was proven he had nothing to do with her murder, but the fact that he cheated on his wife with another woman was enough to cost him his office.

Nowadays we live in a society where the Burbank mayor, the face of his community, is busted getting spanked by a fucking drag queen and not only does he consider it to be okay because 'children weren't present' but he comes down on people calling out his degeneracy!!!


  1. so? whats wrong with anti lgbtq bigotry?

  2. And the article states that the criticism is only coming conservatives? Are Dems really that ok with this crap or are they just too scared to say anything?

    1. Dems are OK with this. Dems are mostly women, and those American women love our degenerate culture. Women vote Dem at 60+% rates. American Democracist Party women want abortion, and they love faggotry and trannies.

    2. Yes, Dems really are okay with this. The spanking occurred at a local Democrat Party function, Drag Queen Bingo, a fundraiser hosted by the Santa Clarita Valley Democrats.

      Here is the star of the show, a guy with tits:
      "Roxy's Got Balls"

  3. I remember the Gary Condit thing with Levy too yet you have to shake your head regarding politicians and the free pass they get for their behavior. Remember Kennedy leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to suffocate in the car at Chappaquiddick? Unlike Condit, he caused her death and despite it all, kept getting re-elected over & over.
    - WDS

  4. Was the killer ever found? I remember living through this but I don't remember the end if it ever came.

    1. She was killed by an Illegal Alien from El Salvador. For some reason the media didn't really want to mention it.

    2. From a web search: Ingmar Guandique, a 20-year-old undocumented immigrant from El Salvador who was also being held in the jail, told him that Condit paid him $25,000 to kill Levy.

    3. Because illegals re so honest, right?
      One thing I didn't mention in the post is that my family was friends with the Condits, matter of fact Gary Condit's dad Adrian preached my grandfather's funeral. I honestly think Gary had nothing to do with it.

    4. I was just posting what I found on the internet. I'm an east coast guy and don't remember this case at all. I'm sure the Condits are a decent family.

    5. The illegal that killed Chandra admitted to assaulting two other women in the same park where her remains were found.
      The claim that Gary Condit hired Grandique to kill her came from an informant, not Grandique. Condit was a victim of circumstance.

      After a botched attempt at a retrial in 2015, Grandique was deported back to El Salvador in 2017. How much you want to bet he's back in the U.S. now?

  5. I remember that it took 9/11 to get Gary Condit and Chandra Levy out of the news cycle.

  6. And another take...remember how united the country was right after 9/11? Now look at us. A fake president, books in elementary schools telling kids how to give blowjobs, men thinking they're women. WTF.

  7. Larry Craig was nailed for tapping his foot on the floor in an airport men's room

    1. I was wondering if someone would mention that.


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