
Monday, September 18, 2023

Days After Biden Approves $6 Billion Ransom Deal, Iran Takes Another Westerner Hostage

Days after President Joe Biden bypassed the congress to approve a $6-billion ransom payment to Iran, the Mullah regime has taken another Western national hostage as part of its ongoing ‘hostage diplomacy,’ media reports say. 

On Saturday, Iran’s Islamic Guard (IRGC) disclosed that it has taken yet another Westerner in its custody, less than a week after Biden White House agreed to pay $6 billion for the release of 5 U.S. hostages. The media reports did not specify if the captive is a U.S. or a European national.


  1. In a management course many years ago, the instructor said, "They produce what you measure", or maybe like training a dog (or a child), they produce the behavior you reward.

  2. I am absolutely SHOCKED! The price of westerns just went up by how much Mr. Ten Percent?

    1. Fuck 'em.....they're that damn stupid let 'em rot....the signs clearly say "STAY THE FUCK OUT YOU WESTERN PIG"

  3. You get more of what you subsidize.....

  4. Senile joe made it so that western hostages are now valued at $1 billion per head, no questions asked.

  5. Read the article, this latest one is a dual citizen Iranian who was arrested for rioting. Don't go to other countries and break the law. Immigration is always bad for America and Americans. We are being entangled in the domestic disputes of other nations because of it. Americans First, Americans Only, Americans Always. Dual Citizens are not Americans and never will be. I don't care if they are from Iran, India, Iceland, Israel, Ireland, or Indonesia.

  6. What's the Biden family share of this ransom deal?

    1. The going rate had been 10% for the big guy, so with inflation it's likely north of that now. The hilarious part of this deal is that gropey joe says Iran can only use the $6 billion for humanitarian efforts. Stand by: Crack-head Hunter's next title will be Chief Auditor for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

  7. And I was wondering why any westerner would ever go to Iran.

  8. Everybody's a criminal in America, land of laws upon laws to keep us safe. So how come we can't arrest some Iranians here or there that the regime cares about? Nab some UN diplomats' family members and hold them for trades.

    Well, the reason? It's because Democrats are allies of the Mullahs. They both share a hatred of the US.

  9. Someone should tell the ayatollah that the US can inflict 6 billion in damage on Tehran or anywhere else in Iran, in a heartbeat. Someone should ask the ayatollah if he wants to be the next Soleimani.

    1. That would certainly be a deterrent, if only the Democrat in office had the balls to act on it. But you do know that Biden would never unilaterally bomb Iran. He would sooner attack a Red State here in the United States.
      Actually he already allows that sort of attack, only he lets it happen via the southern border, with illegals doing the heavy lifting, while he makes the Border Patrol act as pretend gatekeepers. They must be pretty angry with the role that they are forced into. I can't blame them.

    2. They are not being forced into any role.

  10. Give it a little time.
    That $6B will be worthless and we'll have something with them five hostages.
    USA spending like no tomorrow.
    - FJB

  11. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
    We get none and rightfully so.

    Vote Harder now, ya hear!

  12. Siamak Namazi, 51
    A businessman with dual US-Iranian citizenship
    Emad Sharghi, 59
    In 2017, Sharghi and his wife moved to Iran from the US.
    Morad Tahbaz, 67
    An Iranian-American environmentalist who also holds British citizenship,
    I could not find names or details of the other two. Now, are these people worth a billion to the US? Their connections to this country are pretty thin and I really don't think they would come to the aid of the US if needed

  13. Shit, I just grabbed a dozen of my "western" neighbors, lured in with BBQ and a liquor luge. I want my share from the Biden crime regime to release those poor bastards, hopefully before they sober up.


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