
Friday, September 01, 2023

Commentary: As Americans’ Righteous Indignation Grows, Out-of-Touch Power Brokers Believe Their Coup Has Public Support

Looking at the multiple indictments against Trump, culminating in the former president’s humiliating arrest procedure in Fulton County, Georgia on August 24, some of us may feel dismayed by these highhanded actions. Both the Democrats and their allies in the Deep State and media are working, or so it seems, to create a one-party dictatorship, one in which the opposition party functions as an ineffectual check on the wielders of power.


  1. well, back in philly. voting is a waste of time. really. unless you are a demorat. the game has been rigged there for years now. and as far as uncle fester goes, there where 10-20 signs for the OZ clown for every one I saw for fester. left philly after my parents passed on.
    but even my dad gave up on voting there back in the 1980's the election in 2020 was a joke. 2022 was not any better really. there was a old guy with his walker who kept saying that we are wasting our time voting. BTW, 2022 was the first time I had to stand in line to vote here. even all of the old folks where out to vote. didn't change anything though.
    the fix was in. and why on earth did trump back that clown OZ instead of Kathy Burnette (?) I never understand. but doesn't matter, until we go back to paper ballots and ONE day voting nothing is going to change. dave in pa.

  2. Neurotic, obsessed control freaks don't like free spirit individuals. The Deep State swine don't like Trump threatening their power/money trough and every weapon will be employed to see him banished. Nothing including Hillary's eradication squad is off the table. PS: You'll never see one day voting, paper ballots the same way you won't see rotary land line princess phones.

  3. The Communists have always had long term goals for taking over, destroying the original USA and installing Communism. Their listed goals and a few of my thoughts on the subject are in the essay at the link.

  4. They should be supported and upheld with rope, high enough for all to see

  5. This vid is going viral:

    1. Well, his wife has a dick, so...


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