
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

ELEVEN times?

President Joe Biden's dog Commander bit another Secret Service officer on Monday, according to a statement from a Secret Service spokesperson.

Commander, a purebred German shepherd, bit the Secret Service officer around 8 p.m. Monday. The officer was treated by medical personnel and said she is OK, according to a Secret Service spokesperson.

This would be the 11th known instance of Commander biting a Secret Service officer and acting aggressive.


All I'm going to say is they'd have put my dog or yours down after biting only one or two times.


  1. Thought the feds had an effective antidote for the crime of being canine.....shoot it or stomp it. Guess the SS don't want to set a precedent for executing rabid deranged animals in the Whytte House....not more than once or twice a century, anyway...

  2. "I'm okay", she said.
    What the hell else is she going to say?
    Good Grief.

  3. Looks like Biden's snippy hounds don't fall far fron the Hunter tree.

  4. I love dogs and I was very sad, but I was responsible and had one put down when it became a trend with him. Some animals have their wires crossed and there is nothing you can do to change it.

    1. I had a dog that was the same way. I tried to get my wife to allow me to have him put down for over a year, before she finally let me. Our vet said the dog had epilepsy, so he was suffering as well.
      I don't understand why the president no matter who they are, would have a dog, if they don't have kids to spend time with it. It is more like the president is using the dog as a prop, to let people see just how good and kind they are. Of course that picture goes out the window when the dog won't stop biting people.

  5. I'm a staunch believer that dogs (particularly aggressive breeds), reflect behaviors and failures to reinforce correct training by their owners. This dog starts at a disadvantage being owned by a befuddled imbecile like Biden and his dopey doctor wife. Commands are mushmouth or utter nonsense. The SS eunuchs may have good dog training skills but they are handcuffed by the system to be complacent and just wait to be bitten. I, for one, feel sorry for the dog, Shepard's want to work, to please, to obey a coherent master. Please people, vote this idiot out for the sake of the dog!

  6. It is increasingly clear that the vicious dog in White House needs to be put down.

  7. It's good to be the king, above the law.

  8. Takes real talent to drive multiple GSDs psycho. A dog's behavior reflects strongly on the owner.
    Steve S6

  9. The dog is just doing what any one of us would do to any Federal official, if we could get away with it. Carry on good dog.


  10. I had read that biden has a reputation for teasing and slapping dogs. Given the rest of his behavior, it wouldn't surprise me, but it might also explain his dogs becoming foul tempered and bitey.

  11. At this point people should be asking what they are doing to this dog that makes him want to bite. This administration has been fornicating the canine for over fifty years so who is surprised?

  12. Nasty, ill-tempered, unreliable.
    A dog is truly a reflection of their owner.

  13. I think they both should be put down.

  14. In Georgia, its 2 bites. I know this because I've had to call animal control and tell them that the dog, bit a 2nd person, and then answer the door to animal control, and carry the very unhappy dog out to their kennel truck.

  15. On the ranch, a dog is put down after he bites someone the second time.....

  16. Hunter is poorly socialized , hardly trained and barely house broken too , but it's not joes fault...

  17. Just another Biden above the law.

  18. The White House should reach out to Cesar Millan's people. You can't tell me they wouldn't be tripping over themselves to get to Washington for some free publicity. And maybe just take this dog so he can live out his days in the desert surrounded by other dogs and people who have a clue about them.

    I genuinely feel bad for the dog. But when you're raised by family of psychopath assholes, what chance do you have?

  19. The dog is wanting to escape that hell. Though he doesn't speak hooman, nonetheless he communicates his desire. Nip on the hand to get hooman to refocus on objective which is to separate the pooch from that decrepit corrupt pedo.

  20. Any real cop worth their salt would have shot the family pet by now.

  21. No bad dogs just fucking asshole owners come to mind

  22. This is the second dog to do this, the first one was shipped off. It isn't the dogs, it's the way they are being treated. One would think they would be highly trained but I guess not.

  23. Just have Biden guarded by some Autocratic Tyrannical Fuckhead agents. They shoot everyone else's dogs, after all!


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