
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

New study reports nearly 40% of dog owners believe canine vaccines are unsafe

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) - A new study reports among dog owners 37% believe canine vaccines are unsafe, 22% found them to be ineffective, and 30% found them to be unnecessary.

“I think a lot of it started with the COVID pandemic, a lot of hesitancy for vaccines and humans, and it’s kind of spilled over into dogs,” said Dr. Ian Johnson, an Associate Veterinarian with All Cats and Dogs Animal Hospital. “We vaccinate almost every patient for at least rabies and often many other vaccines, and have very little to no side effects from those patients.”


Yeah..... no. I've owned dogs all my life, sometimes multiple dogs at the same time, every single one has been vaccinated, and I've never had a dog have any kind of a reaction to them.
Not only that, I personally do not know a single person who's dogs had ill effects after getting their shots.


  1. Depends upon the breed, I have see my dogs have reactions to medicine and have seen long term adverse health issues likely caused by vaccines.

  2. Once broken, trust never comes back. Never, its never the same after your trust is broken.
    The MDs screwed the entire vaccine industry by removing their spine for the KungFlu.
    Congrats fucktards! Learn to code. You're not needed anymore thanks to your own actions!

  3. They're having problems with some people not wanting their kid to have the standard vaccinations(measles, whooping cough and so forth) because the Wuhan bullshit has them doubting everything. Which is really bad, because these are tested vaccines that actually work.

    The fallout from the covid bullshit is going to be causing problems for a long time.

    1. Not true. They change the vaccine mix. It's not the same that was given x number of years ago.

    2. Childhood vaccines cause 70% of SIDS, cause asthma, ear infections, ADD/ADHD and may other conditions. Japan eliminated SIDS by postponing vaccinations for children until they are two years old. Go find Steve Kirsch and get right with reality instead of propaganda.

    3. Read "Dissolving Illusions", vaccines never worked all that well. Those childhood diseases were beaten by better water, better sanitation, better food before vaccines. Scarlet fever never got a vaccine, but declined at the same rate as the other childhood diseases.

      Read "Turtles All The Way Down". Vaccines have never been properly tested against a real placebo.

  4. The ONLY vaccine I would get my dog is for rabies. Any vaccine created within the last 20 years is highly suspect to me as being profit driven over any concern for the animal's health.

  5. Replies
    1. At one time in the 90's our county had 150+ confirmed cases of rabies in a year. There were plenty folks who just shot and shoveled. My vet end up getting the shot series from an infected pony.
      Nothing to mess with.

    2. My county has had, and continues to have, rabies epidemic for decades. Farm animals still outnumber the human population. Deer and hog and coyote pop are barely contained. Elk are thriving.

      However, the land is sick with several different contagious diseases. I mean the type which transfer animal to human, perhaps vice versa. Poaching and rustling are significant problems especially in how they field dress their take. Lots of illegals because of the tourist service industry and wine grapes. They live worse than pigs. Seen it time after time.

  6. My wife's cat has had severe reactions to getting his shots. So, we just stopped getting them for him. Having dogs all your life is still a pretty small sample size.

    1. Yeah well, the dogs I've had in my life are all I have to work with. That and the hundreds if not thousands of other people I've known with dogs, as I also stated and you chose not to include in your comment.
      You apparently also didn't notice the fact that the article was talking about dog vaccines. It did say however (you did actually read the article, right?) that other than ALLERGIC reactions, the vet said he's never seen any ill effects. How's that for a sample size?
      I don't know about cats. I'm not a cat person, but my ex was. She had 2 inside cats and 2 outside cats, none of which were vaccinated. The inside cats lived twice as long as the outside cats.

  7. About 20 years ago I had two pups from the same litter. The day after the second round of vax one pup died. Asked the vet if she had heard of side effects. No was her answer. She offered to examine the pup, but I had already her in grave.

  8. Took my 8 y.o. Labrador in for a rabies shot in 2014, the next day she fell ill. Day after that she went into the woods to sleep. Day after that, she expired.

  9. You have to wonder if the vaccines are what is causing all of the allergies in dogs. Both of my kids have dogs, and they all have some sort of allergy, whether it is to certain types of food, or even having an allergy to grass.

    1. Yes. The way a vaccine works is by presenting your immune system with a foreign protein to kill. It does this by including something to trigger the immune system that there is an invader to respond to. If you (or your dog) have foreign proteins in your blood, like pollen, your immune system can become sensitized to that protein and triggered by that protein again in the future (hay fever). If a foreign protein like the spike of corona attaches to a cell wall (like your heart lining) you can become auto immune. That is to say you are the protein that triggers your immune system into a fight to the death. In this example the resulting conditions would be myocarditis, with a 50% fatality rate by 5 years and a 75% fatality by 10 years.

      Yes to rabies shots but maybe not during hay fever season. No to everything else.

  10. Like you, Wirecutter, I have never heard of a dog getting any kind of reaction to vaccines. That of course doesn't mean that they don't happen, but I suspect that they are pretty rare. It is likely only because of the hysteria over the human problems with the Covid vaccines that the animal vaccines are suddenly a topic of interest, as the Vet quoted said.
    I would have to say that cases where a dog passed after getting a vaccine are likely related to coincidence, rather than to the vaccine. And I especially doubt that nearly 40% of dog owners don't think that vaccines are safe. Especially when you see polls like this, it throws up red flags as to the method and manner in which the poll was conducted. A poll can be designed to give you any result you want. In this case I think that is probably the problem.

  11. Before COVID there was an anti vax movement. But the biggest concern I've heard about was the fear that vaccines cause autism in children. There is a study claiming a link, and others debunking it. For me, I'm skeptical about the autism claim.
    I've heard people claim that they got sick from the flu shot. One time they were giving out flu shots at work, but I forgot to go in that day. I got sick a day or 2 later. If I got the flu shot that day I might claim the vaccine got me sick. I'm not saying it's always the case, but it happens more often than you'd think.

  12. Any article that claims that I should check with the Center for Disease Creation (CDC) is not credible, period. Multivalent vaccines for any living mammal is an inherently bad idea, period. I tried to find a simple Parvo vax for my puupy, and it's not available to anyone except for vets. I called several vets in our area and they do not carry them. There's a five way and a seven way they push . BTW, I won't ever give another one of my pets a fucking rabies vax, personal bad experience. My dog has the same probability of getting rabies as being struck by lightining, so she doesn't run around outside wearing a farady cage.

  13. My dogs were never able to carry on a decent conversation after vaccination. I blame big pharma.

    But . . . if you Vaxx your kids or yourself because you trust the system, You sound vaxxed!

  14. I have actively researched vaccines and their history for about 15 years, my answer is a well researched NO. on all of them for humans & animals. I don't give a f**k what your OPINION is.

    1. That's fine, it's your choice. No need to get testy about it.
      Kinda funny though how you highlight OPINION like it's something dirty when all you're doing is offering up your own.

  15. When you tell people the Covid shot protects you and then it doesn't -- people start to doubt everything else you've told them. We need to launch a media campaign telling people that the govt lied about everything Covid - from the vaccines to the masks to the bat thing. Then tell them the old vaccines are safe because they were made before the govt got corrupted.

    Forget it. Nobody believes the govt now on anything.

    1. Daughter didn't get some vaccines when a child because she was REAL sensitive to them. Four years ago, as an adult, she caught whooping cough. Her statement was that 'Anyone who could, who doesn't get the vaccine for their kid, is a fool.'

      Now people have been lied to so much, the consequences are going to be bad for a long time.

  16. Trust in the pharmas medical establishment govt police and all world domination institutions is gone, and it isn't coming back.

    Been some 10 years since i laid eyes on my own doctor, and i wouldn't trust him to tell me the time if i did see him, or any of the others.


  17. My vet has told me a few times that vaccines put more stress on an animal's body than just about anything. She also mentioned she's been seeing a lot of bad vaccine reactions this year (someone had bought a cat in while we were there, 2 hours post-shot poor thing was literally foaming at the mouth...I'm told it recovered) and told me to keep a close eye on my new dog after he got his last shots. Nothing came of it, thankfully. I do remember it used to slap my last dog right down for a day or 2, especially when he was older.

    Am I gonna stop keeping him up to date? Nope. He can't go a lot of places if he's not. Places like the groomer, or my dad's care home, for example.

    If there's any reason I wouldn't vaccinate my dog, it would be financial. Stupidly expensive these days.

  18. I usually give the solo-jet 5 to puppies and young dogs then switch to solo-jet 7 after they make a year old...... Parvo and Parainfluenza is what I worry about most along with a Rabbies vaccine just in case

    1. Rabbies ?????? Fucking spellchecker misspelling words again....


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