
Monday, September 18, 2023

Everytown Comes Out From Behind The Curtain

For years, gun control organizations have been seeking to dismantle the bipartisan Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). 

That’s the crucial federal law shielding firearm manufacturers and sellers from frivolous lawsuits designed to bankrupt law-abiding businesses by blaming them for the criminal misuse of lawfully sold firearms or drive the industry to its knees and impose gun control through court-ordered settlements. It is what former Clinton Secretary of Labor Robert Reich dubbed “regulation through litigation.”


  1. People that insist the attackers deserve to live -- not only if they succeed, but especially if they do not -- do not.

  2. Can a gun free zone be sued for allowing crime? Can a city with strict firearm rules be sued by unarmed crime victims?

  3. Without the gun malfunctioning, these idiots believe the manufacturer is responsible for how the gun was Used.
    Who sues the car manufacturer when it gets used to run over people?
    Why are The Jabs not getting people sued? Ohh, wait,,

  4. When you add the Bloomberg, Clinton, obammy, soros of the world in a pot, season it with any demokrap and what you end up with is a huge pot of shit....


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