
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Feminists Are Outraged At Men Going Overseas To Find Traditional Wives

If there is one defining characteristic of the average western feminist it is their propensity for turning their personal problems into everyone's problems. Meaning, they have a habit of projecting their insecurities and outrage on the rest of the world, weaponizing their own unhappiness and turning it into an activist movement. If they are miserable, other people are not allowed to feel content; that would be unfair.


  1. My wife is from another country; a rather rich foreign country. We've been married many years. None of her relatives have any desire to move to the states although they'll occasionally visit. She has never really wanted to be come a U.S. citizen; we talk about it sometimes for estate reasons though. So, none of the feminist accusations seem to apply to her it would seem.

    She's amused by American women and says she can't understand why they all want to be men, and are so unhappy with being women.

    In her culture, men have what I call their 'spheres of influence' and women have theirs - things that they generally take care of. These can overlap and are nonexclusive - there's no competition about who does what. She finds too many American men unmasculine these days- in her culture their type is referred (In slang) to as "vegetable-eating-animals"; her culture's women prefer "meat-eating-animals".

  2. Ha Ha Ha Ha!
    Fuck you poisonous bitches.
    Fucked around and found out.


    1. Amen brother.
      So much worthless shit out there

    2. this type of woman is going to pay sooooooooo hard when the ballon goes up. It's gonna be very ugly for them. Sad, but earned.

    3. In completely unrelated news: Climate sheep are continuously PO'd that most sane folk refuse to be freaked out about their carbon footprint. The solution? Bribe .gov to mandate so-called "green" everything, then wear your shocked face when the pendulum swings the other way.

      Supply & demand bitches! You've flooded the market with a product that few men are interested in buying. Your solution? Throw a tantrum when we shop elsewhere, then throw another when the first one has the predictable result.

      Start reading the tea leaves sisters, the current definition of feminist has only succeeded in your (obvious) miserable solitude, while traditional, strong, loyal, feminine women are at a premium.

  3. My wife's from Greece, passionate totally loyal warm hearted instant temper mad as a box of frogs and would defend her loved ones to the death.
    Wouldn't change her for the world.
    Highly recommed finding such a woman chaps, treat these good women well and they're unbeatable, for better or worse is exactly right, whatever happens they'll be there by your side.


  4. My ex wife was from a different country also. Unfortunately the name of that country is Hell.
    What ever happened to this nation, that we have allowed minor players to take control of pretty much everything? And even more serious of a question, what is going to happen to us over the next 10 years? I no longer have faith that voting is an answer for our problems. I have seen too much corruption from our past elections, which honestly was all done by the Democrats, to influence or to outright cheat to win.
    It is worth following the link and reading the article. There is a lot of information to learn from there.

    1. My ex and your ex are likely sisters.

  5. This article is a gateway to so much more.
    I have no connection to any of these, but perhaps guys & gals could benefit from the "female delusion calculator"
    This is based entirely on public and census data. To use it, you plug in what the woman is seeking, typically "6 ft., 6 figure income, 6 pack"... you get the picture. It returns what percent of the American male population fits her criteria.
    Then, dip a toe into Rollo Tomassi/The Rational Male, Rich Cooper, and similar ... PsycHacks, HoeMath, Just Pearly Things, BetterBachelor, AaronClarey. There is an Australian fellow who also does a bang-up job - Alexander Grace.
    Men and women would do well to understand the world around them, these people are interesting on this subject. The current state of affairs is untenable between many men and women. The sites above helped me to understand the way it actually IS, not how I naively believed it to be for so many years. If I knew then what I knew now....

  6. Many men want a so called traditional wife and there is nothing wrong with that, these bloody feminist give me the shits, when asked my job my answer is Mother and Grandmother and Wife that is my job I love taking care of my family it is all I have ever wanted to do and I am happy doing it, if that offends a feminist then they go take a long walk off a short pier

    1. That was music to the ears, good luck to you your fortunate husband and family.


  7. My woman was an Engineer designing parts for aircraft engines in Kiev before Putins insanity

    1. Well either you're uninformed or a hack, odummy's color revolution started the crap in Ukraine then the useless but greedy assholes in the UN want to put itself on the border with Russia... We almost went to war over Russia trying to make Cuba a vessel nation with nukes and suddenly the shitheads in the UN, NATO and that idiot excomedian Zerlinski thinks it's going to happen there... All are total POS..

  8. lots of bitter women on YT whining about 'passport bros'.

  9. Good friend married a Czech. She is a delight. Great wife and a great mom. Her family I have been told are terrific. He a Marine and has worked National Security in Europe for years. He'll soon retire and is leaning toward staying in the Czech Republic. He doesn't want his sons in American schools or in America for that matter. His boys about six and eight already speak I believe three languages.. I agree with him and that is sad.

  10. Those feminists can easily find plenty of husbands to their liking in mislum countries.

  11. Married 50 years and I don’t even know where to start with this shit.

    As pointed out by above posters, feminists have done this to themselves. I don’t know if this can be fixed but a good start would be abolishing social media. Facebook is poison, “influencers” like those whore Kardashians, and tiktok - Jesus take the wheel.

    I would offer this one suggestion to young women: stop jumping into bed on the first date. Sex outside marriage is not to be taken lightly. Don’t degrade yourself; honor yourself and honor the man you hope to make your life with.

    1. You're one in a billion, Bobo. If I was nearer to you I would love to take you out for a beer in some podunk bar in Humbolt/Del Norte County and listen to you expound your wisdom until my money ran out. Or better yet, buy you breakfast at the Samoa Cookhouse, if it as still open.

    2. Yup. To many young people don't understand that the ONLY two guaranteed birth control methods are abstinence and abortion. Every other birth control method has a failure rate. And abortion sometimes has awful side effects like "death of the mother."

      Even leaving aside the moral and ethical concerns, there's the emotional impact. If you cheapen sex, you cheapen relationships. If you cheapen relationships, you cheapen connection to others. And connecting to others is what we all live for, whether we're willing to admit that or not. The #1 thing that defines addicts is lack of deep and meaningful connections in their lives, which always starts with their parents.

      Basically, all the first step to curing addictions (of all types) is forming deep connections to other people. The first step in that? Abstinence. Keep it in your pants.

      And don't get me started on the "only in a committed relationship" bullshit that the "straight edge" philosophers like to spout. If it ain't marriage? It's *not* a committed relationship. Period. Fucking. Dot.

      The sad part is that it's their children who will pay the heaviest price for their folly. Either death by abortion (most common outcome) or they will continue the cycle of addiction and self-indulgent pleasure seeking. The hedonists have been with us since ancient times, there truly isn't anything new under the sun.

      John G.

    3. John G - what's the difference between a marriage and a committed relationship besides a piece of paper? A commitment is a commitment, and isn't it the couple's mindset that makes it work? I can make a vow to love honor and protect privately and it means every bit as much as if I were to do it in front of witnesses doesn't it? A vow is a vow, right?
      Please note that like you, I'm talking about emotionally committed couples, not a casual or even a light dating relationship. And don't get me started on people that treat any vows lightly, marriage or not.

    4. A traditional marriage is nothing but a contract between you, her and the government.... That official piece of paper puts the government directly into your home life, it serves no other purpose... With divorce at close to 50% of marriages it's not a very secure long term investment also people can commit to each other without
      that piece of paper and be every bit as happy, secure couple as any other one.

  12. Sounds like the Feminist & Whore Market is crashing in America and these poor girls aren't happy.

  13. Spending years in the Marines I've seen good and bad wives from foreign places from all over. Passport bros is in it for the $ only and so are some foreign ladies. But if you find a good one as a foreigner, you got the best. Just like American ladies but few and far around these days.

  14. So what are feminist nor enraged about, especially when it comes to men....
    Personally I don't give them a thought unless I read an article about them. Then it let it pass like a fart in the wind...

  15. I heard Rush Limbaugh once say that feminism can be defined as the fear that somewhere, somehow, some man might actually be happy.

  16. Back in '86 I was chatting with a girl in TGIFridays. She mentioned that she had just moved down from Pennsyltuckie to take a GS2 secretary job at Agg, ($14,K per annum). She asked what I did so I told her I was a builder. She turned away and quit talking to me. I pulled her back, asked her why she went cold on me and she told me that she wasn't interested in a manual laborer.

    I was making more than $60,K which was serious Bank back then and I told her that I spent more money in that bar than she made each year. That was when I decided that the local bitches sucked. They all wanted Mr. Big.

    Fast forward a few years, I met a girl from the Philippines in the lobby of my office, and we've been happily married for 30 years. So, yeah: I can relate.

  17. There's good women everywhere, I have traveled greatly into the dark continent and have seen good and bad, one thing I was taught there's good and bad everywhere no matter the color or the language, the only thing I hate is feminism and abortion, Men in western countries are weak and let their women run wild, mobile phones and the internet are destroying culture, the only true strong manly men that I have met are the Masai, the rest are weak as piss. Western men are pussies

  18. I actually considered this, marrying in the Czech Republic where women are traditional and I have better protections. I'm thinking I may stick to Idaho though and may remain single.

    - Arc

  19. My first marriage to an American last 5 months before she ran off. Thankfully no kids. Afterwards I took my time an enjoyed single life for a while. Trips to Asia opened my eyes to how incredible the woman are. I found an amazing Filipino wife from a good family and have been happily married for over 14 years.

  20. When a libturd like George Clooney had to go overseas to find a woman to marry and bear his kids, it's telling how toxic American women are. His wife's a lawyer who went to Oxford and NYU, from a traditional Mideast family, who gave up her career for her man. So there goes their argument that the women who date / marries passport bro's are ignorant, just seeking American citizenship or money. It's gotten to the point where some passport bro's are seeking foreign women for their citizenship, to escape the crushing blow of US taxes and the tyranny of the Deep State.

  21. Feminist or not a man would be crazy to get married today unless the woman is making more than him. Why risk half of everything you own on a woman's whim.

  22. With all these crazy ass women, they can play stupid games, win lots of cats and dildos.


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