
Monday, September 11, 2023

Greg Abbott brags of sending over 11,000 migrants to DC

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott bragged about the effectiveness of his migrant bussing program Tuesday, saying it has provided "critical relief" to Texas border towns.

Abbott's program has proven to be the bane of Democrats at all levels of government, from the White House to mayoral offices in deep blue cities. Abbott argues Texas towns have carried the weight of illegal immigration for too long and has forced "sanctuary cities" to begin sharing the burden.


  1. at first, I thought this was just stupid. but now seeing how pissed the liberal assholes are
    at having to stand behind their words. it makes sense. as a matter of fact, I think he should send a bus load to the HOME of every demorat that loves the whole open boarders shit.
    kind of funny in a sad way. it would have cost a lot less to build the damn wall than feed the freeloaders. and finding out that the Biden clowns are giving them 2200 a month of SSi
    money while most people who PAID into the damn system get maybe 1400 ?
    so, yeah. a lot of people are pissed. dave in pa.

    1. Anon 1:22p would you please give a reference to the illegals getting $2200 a month. I havent been able to find anything supporting that, thanks

    2. He should be sending them BACK to where they came from, not to other parts of the US.

  2. Yeah, and I get it. Get em out of Texas. But, to me, it's kinda like sending the fleas from one side of the dog, to the other. Eventually, they'll be back. Stolen elections have consequences.

  3. 11,000? That's all? And BTW they ain't "migrants". They're Illegal alien criminals.

  4. I'm amazed at the attitude of 'you're evil and racist if you don't want illegal immigrants coming to your state so you should let them in', but 'I need federal help if illegal immigrants come to MY state'.

  5. Add a couple of zeros to that number and you've really got something.

  6. It's a shame he and DeSantis can't ship all the illegal assholes directly to Washington, New York, Connecticut, Delaware and of course Martha's Vineyard..

  7. They need to be giving them the moderna covid vaccine and all the boosters as they cross

    1. They need 158 gr of Pb as they cross.


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