
Monday, September 11, 2023

Was 9/11 The Beginning Of The End Of The American Empire?

Was 9/11 the beginning of the end for America? In the 22 years since the attacks, I’ve begun to worry that the answer to that question is “yes.” 

It spawned the worst and most destructive foreign policy in the country’s history. The government response to 9/11 birthed the constitutional abomination that is the modern warrantless surveillance state. The Patriot Act enabled the government to weaponize its vast resources against its own people.


  1. Sad to say, the American Empire was on the downslide long before 9/11

    1. Have to concur with this take. That said, 9/11 was a seminal moment, and clearly was used to justify utter shit-tier legislation and policy like "the patriot act", the formation of TSA, and blowing decades of blood and treasure in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are all far worse off for the official acts and events the followed 9/11.

      I might say that 9/11 formally cemented the USA as an empire, but that was already largely an accomplished fact given the conduct of the government during and after Vietnam. The aftermath of 9/11 simply solidified that status, and made it undeniably clear.

      And now we are very clearly into the terminal collapse phase of empire, 23 years after the ideals of personal liberty on which the country was founded were so obviously legislated away in favor of embracing histrionic paranoia and constant panic over boogeymen, largely of our own creation. I view 9/11 as the enabling act for all the bad policy that followed, right to this day.

    2. "boogeymen, largely of our own creation." Muslims were terrorists long before the US was even formed. One of the first things the US had to do was address the Muslims enslaving our men off the Barbary coast. Jefferson sent a delegation to ask why the Muslims were kidnapping and enslaving our sailors and the Muslims replied that Allah permitted it.

      Yes, as the world policemen we were not perfect. But don't let the lie spread that we created the Muslim terrorist. Mohammad did that.

  2. It certainly was the beginning of the end for a lot of personal freedoms under the ruse of national security and TPTB have used it as an excuse to expand it at every opportunity.
    - WDS

  3. The best analysis of this event can be found at:

  4. The 16th and 17th amendments to the Constitution allowing income tax and popular election of Senators ended The United States. The constant repetition of the lie that The United States is a democracy ended America. I find it interesting that the Second Treaty of Fort Laramie held a provision that as lands were abanonded by whites in America they would be turned back over to the Indians who believed that the United States would eventually fail.

  5. Now identify the beginning of the end of the REPUBLIC. My vote is the Whiskey Rebellion of 1791-1794. The beginning of massive federal overreach, led by one of the key beneficiaries of the Whiskey tax...president Washington. Yep, all downhill since then. Full blown empire the day Lincoln invaded the southern states and started murdering his own citizens.

    1. I think we got a little bit of a reprieve when Burr killed Hamilton. Hamilton wanted to wrack up the National debt so that the bankers would have a reason to keep the federal government afloat. Things would have gone down hill much faster if Hamilton had lived.

      Note: This is not an endorsement of Burr's policies. When two evil people have a duel, you can cheer that at least one of them found his way to hades.

  6. No. That was when so many people elected a bad saxophone player becuase he looked 'cute' (according to many of my leftist acquaintances, BC was 'cuter' than Shrub 2.)

    You can firmly lay the framework for the fall on Woodrow Wilson and FDR.

  7. Yes, The Patriot Act was the beginning of the end of our freedom and the beginning of treason brought on by the fear mongers and those seeking power by any means, and those who are weak or lacking common moral decency, trying to subjugate the values of chivalry and common moral values.
    look up the definition of Chivalry, it's sadly, a lost word in our language.

  8. I don't think I would say beginning because it was on a downward decline way earlier than 2001. I will say the decline of the country and endless attacks on our freedoms went on blast, thanks to that POS bush and his boss dirty dick cheney. Our freedom of travel, privacy, banking, communication and overall quality of life went to shit...
    Fuck you g. bush and the goblal trash that you answer to 🖕😎🖕

  9. Bin Laden took out the "united" states that day. It was the end. I knew it was the end. Republicans, my family members, all had the audacity to say, "Well, if they aren't doin' anythin' wrong, then dey got nuttin' to worry 'bout. Commie mother fucker." Not one of them remembers acting this way today. The real victory for Bin Laden was (1) turning government against the population and (2) the population cheering this process on.

    1. I think you are giving Bin Laden way too much credit for all this, you should look at that idiot GW and the military complex that ran the country, excuse me runs the country

  10. Here's a little known fact about the patriot act. At the time it was enacted the only part that was written was the title. The law was written by the Bush administration after Congress passed it and Bush signed it.


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