
Monday, September 04, 2023

Hate body odour? You’re more likely to have rightwing views

An oldie but goodie from 2018:

People who have a greater tendency to turn their nose up at the whiff of urine, sweat and other body odours are more likely to have rightwing authoritarian attitudes, research suggests.

The study also found having a greater disgust for body odors was linked, albeit to a small degree, with support for Donald Trump when he was a presidential candidate.


Shit, the only thing that tells me is Conservatives are more hygienic than liberal cocksuckers.


  1. I like how so-called journalists automatically assume "authoritarian" is "right wing". The National Socialist were pretty authoritarian, along with Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, the Kims, and the PC crowd.

  2. "Shit, the only thing that tells me is Conservatives are more hygienic than liberal cocksuckers."

    Try growing up in British Columbia during the 70s and 80s, and being around those draft-dodging fukkin hippies and their kids. Had one in class that quit school because people kept breaking into his locker and leaving soap or deodorant in there.

  3. They probably turn up their nose at the smell of cat piss too...

  4. We're also not terribly fond of 300 pound, purple-haired obeasts with chopped-off hair and problem glasses who refuse to shave their armpits. Weird, right?

  5. Not bathing enough aside, my daddy told me years ago certain people smelled "off putting". He said it was in their genes and that "off putting' smells were designed by Mother nature to repel members of other races from hooking up with any race but theirs.

  6. Probably accounts for San Francisco and state of other left wing cities.

    Phil B


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