
Monday, September 04, 2023

Memes - what makes the world go 'round






















  1. number 1. I was laughing so hard I almost pissed myself. wife had to come and look too.
    you got her laughing as well. but it is something I have known for a long time now. dave in pa.

    1. The problem comes is, it is a lot easier to be stupid than to be convinced we're stupid. Everyone always thinks it's the other guys that are the stupid ones.

    2. No lie. Here we are involved in a war to cover up Joe Biden's financial dealings, the economy's been collapsing around us, the border is wide open, and yet I still get comments from stupid fucking liberals that think everything is just peachy and Conservatives are the dumbasses.

  2. I recently got into a conversation with a cute young Turkish girl from one of those islands out in the Aegean Sea who was working as a bartender in Branson (of all places) and I told her I'd never actually been in Turkey but had been in Cyprus where there is a DMZ between Turkey and Greece and how I understood some of the tension between the 2 countries. I told her I had flown over the Aegean and knew how beautiful it was. She said there had never been anyone in that bar that knew any of that and asked me what was wrong with Americans. I swear I almost spit my drink out it was so funny,

    1. I went to college (back in the '70s) with a kid who was a Greek Cypriot. He went home for summer vacation to serve and shoot at Turkish Cypriots.

    2. A Greek immigrant buddy of mine back in the day told me that Greece does not recognize "emigration", and that every Greek man had to serve time in the military. Once a Greek citizen, always a Greek citizen, according to law. He was scared shitless that he was going to be conscripted on every visit back to his homeland.

    3. I know geography much better than most, but seriously, so what if your average bar patron doesn't know Greece from Turkey? It doesn't make any difference in their lives what so ever. Sure, everyone knows the world's policeman, which the US has been since WWII. Other countries probably needed bailing out at some point or they're pissed that the US kept them from going to war with their neighbor. Get over yourselves. If your average American doesn't know your country it's because you haven't f*cked up bad enough for us to care.

  3. #1: After watching TV commercials, why is anyone surprised?

  4. #2 - Well, that particular 'bargoyle' looks ten shades better than anything I ever picked up at 2 am.
    #4 - "She's 12". No, sir, she's based AF.
    #5 - Damn, that hurts. Grandson asked me snarkily just last week why, if I am "elderly", I don't use a walker or cane. "C'mere kid. Let me show you how 'elderly' I am courtesy of a boot to the arse."
    #11 - Pro tip: Asians can't tell Asians apart, either. No shit.
    #20 - Still can't get used to buying beer at a "liquor store" down here in South Texas, all of which are closed on Sunday. Us native Noo Yawkers bought beer at the deli, 7-11 or grocery store, where there was beer, but no wine or liquor. You go to a "liquor store" there (open 7 days a week) to buy booze and wine, but not beer. And don't get me started on New Englanders with their "package stores".

  5. #11 - Boom! Headshot!

  6. #15 - Holy hell, I think I bought that one. The stains on the left front burner match, and it didn't arrive with the front right burner..

  7. to the commjentor so proud of murica being the worlds bully.,It's for profit not stability, in fact CIA promotes destabilization as a tool for colour revolutions. This commenter probably goose steps all over his immediate neighbors. clue: no one likes a bully and bullies get punched right in the nose. (hopefully)

  8. #4: Nothing to worry about. Cut hair doesn't have DNA, but only the roots.


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