
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

James O’Keefe Faces Arrest Threat in Hawaii for Capturing Burn Zone on Camera

James O’Keefe, founder of O’Keefe Media Group, recently traveled to Lahaina, Hawaii where he was threatened with arrest by police for taking photos and videos on public land near the burn zone.

Citing Hawaii Governor Josh Green’s emergency proclamation following the devastating wildfires that claimed 115 lives last month, an officer with the Maui Police Department told O’Keefe, “It’s part of the emergency proclamation that this whole area is deemed under the wildlife disaster area…So if you guys park here, that’s technically in violation.”

However, when O’Keefe expressed his concern that the policeman was “going to detain” him, a Hawaii Army National Guardsman said, “No, they’re probably just being assholes, man. I’m a policeman in Honolulu and I never heard of that.”


  1. Anytime authorities order people not to photograph I assume crimes are taking place.

  2. Democrats being totalitarians.....Must be (checks calendar) a day ending in "y"

  3. Orcs just doing what orcs are told to do. Evil creatures the orc, Created by the evil empire to perpetrate evil deeds of the empire. Avoid the orc.

    The laws of physics apply to all.
    All have names, addresses, and routines.

  4. Doesn't he know it's illegal to report the government corruption and ineptitude of this fake president

  5. (((They))) will own everything and you will be unhappy. The First People had that land since before the white man invaded. Recent law legalizes burning the natives out, declaring it a natural disaster and stealing the land for maximum profit on new 15 minute city. That's what pedo/Satanist/Blackrock types do, nothing personal, you're just in the way. Oh, maybe we'll give you 10 cents on the dollar for your million dollar, burnt building lot. Unless you're dead, then we'll get it from the state for next to nothing.


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