
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

On Death Row for 37 years, dies of natural causes

SAN QUENTIN, Calif. -- A former California police officer turned serial killer who was on death row after being convicted of murdering six people in the 1980s has died of natural causes, authorities said.


  1. Sadly these two legged animals lived for decades at taxpayer expense and suffered no meaningful punishment for their crimes. They should have been exterminated long ago.
    A society that cannot or will not eliminate dangerous predatory animals that hunt and kill
    it's citizens is a doomed society.

  2. Ole Tony got down on his knees and looked up at The Big Guy and pleaded, "Oh Lord you can't do this, I still have appeals left". Lord says, "Not anymore".

  3. So the morons feed, clothed and gave medical attention to a piece of shit for about 37 years. Makes perfect sense.

  4. What a shitty Death Row, they even admit later that they lost the life of another client there since 1982!

  5. The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. They think putting a man in a cage for 30 years is more merciful than making him come to terms with god cause they will be meeting in a short amount of time

  6. Replies
    1. Those guys only went after the scum of the earth (except Charlie who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time). This was just another roid-raging cop who thought he could get away with it.

  7. Flags will fly half-mast on Kalifornia government buildings for the next week.

  8. Re the death penalty: if a guy spends 30+ years on death row and dies of natural causes, you're doing it wrong

    1. Moot point. Future President Gavin Newsom placed a moratorium on the death penalty in California via executive order, even though the voters had turned down a repeal of the death penalty by a margin of 53% to 47% a few years ago.

  9. Watched a documentary series last week called City of Angels, City of Death. Worth watching. It only covered maybe 4 serial killings from the late 70s to early 80s in LA. Not just 4 killers, because some of them were committed by duos, and some had more than 2. Makes you wonder just how many of these fucks were actually active around then, not just in Cali, but nationwide, and how many actually got caught. Security cameras were not widespread, no DNA.


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