
Monday, September 04, 2023

Opposition to Everything

In the general sense of things, we’re not going to vote our way out of this communist coup. They took over, just like Yeltsin in Russia when they took down the USSR, but communism didn’t stop there. While the Russians have strived for “democracy” many still have a soviet mind and while they don’t want communism back, they can’t let go of 70 years of indoctrination without a struggle. 


  1. Yeah. The real question is: How many people will actually shake of the programming they got in public schools, and fight for freedom? How many will full buy the bullshit and fight for tyranny?

    It, as always, comes down to hearts and minds. Education and preaching the truth are key. We'll either come back to our christian roots, or be utterly destroyed. And right now it's really hard to tell which way we'll go. Part of that's because of the deliberate lying about polls and news and stuff, but part of it's just that it's hard to tell.

    And there's no question but that the satanic murderers are the ones with the reigns of power currently. (And no, I don't mean democrats. Or not just them, certainly.

    JOhn G

  2. Shortly after the fall I read an old Russian was in a bakery buying all the bread he wanted. In an interview he still longed for his ration card and wanted it punched.
    Change: I fella came home from the military with a pocket fulla money. He went back to the farm with his parents. He put in indoor plumbing and built a big patio with a grill. One day he noted his father wasn't happy. He asked why? The old man said, Son I've shit outside and ate inside all my life. Now you want me to shit inside and eat outside, I don't like the change.

  3. The last election is indicative of how we will fall to the socialists.....does anybody really buy the narrative that Joe Biden was elected?.....what's scary is how easily they got away with it, with no one really question one being a relative term....the misuse of the DOJ and the FBI is another indication....funny how we haven't heard much from or about the CIA, and that's just how they like it....hey, we had a great run....


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