
Monday, September 04, 2023

Yeah, good luck with that

Former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci on Saturday defended masking amid a rise in COVID cases across the country, saying he hopes people would listen to advice from health officials.


  1. Should be an interesting situation when the "mandates" come back. Actually I miss the arrows on the supermarket floor and seeing adults fighting over who's going the wrong way on the frozen pizza aisle.

  2. And little little lord fauch can eat a bag of dicks!

    1. It is not an effective punishment if he enjoys it.

    2. Then just feed them to him from the other end of the Alimentary Canal.

  3. Anthony Fauci: "Ok, so masks didn't actually stop the spread of anything."
    Also Anthony Fauci: "You all need to wear masks again this year."

    Stay away from my dog you subhuman monster

  4. Fauxi. pronounced "Fooie" Government hack, fake ass doctor.

  5. Fauci never read about the boy who cried wolf.

  6. This is going to get real interesting. What business will push this knowing that the population is on to the lies now? What state officials are going to push this knowing that the populace is on to their lies now?

    All these rotten ass evil people have Names, Address, and Routines. Be The Orkin Man, FFF/22BOH

  7. in a just world, he would be tried for his crimes, stripped of his wealth and hung by his neck until dead. but maybe that just me. I also remember the AZT crap he pushed on the AIDS people back in the 1980's. I think that shit killed a lot of people back then. dave in pa.

    1. The reason I stopped donating blood. Asking ever invasive questions such as if I've ever had sex with a man since 1977.

  8. I will only wear a mask into a bank. Not for covid protection, which it doesn't actually provide, but just for continued thrill of walking into a bank wearing a mask.

  9. "he hopes people would listen to advice from health officials"

    Like that fat, demented trans weirdo, "Admiral" Richard Levine? "Health officials" like that sick mess?

    1. every time I see that fat worthless fuck I want to puke. never forget he pulled his mom out of a home before putting Covid patients in. he knew what was going to happen
      and did it anyway. need a really good rope for his fat ass. dave in pa.

  10. We could prevent the next plandemic by giving Fauci his beagle puppy treatment. Don't forget to remove his vocal chords.


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