
Monday, September 04, 2023

Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of 'Net Zero' Climate Goals

Britain's Climate Change Committee (CCC) has urged millions of Britons to not heat their homes in the evening to help the government hit its net zero target.


  1. The one making the rules won't be turning their heat off

  2. And, in the near future, electricity will be turned off by the Gov....Mandatory compliance, Eh?

  3. Brits keep their homes ice cold anyway, in my experience. Probably has something to do with it costing about 5x more than it should to be able to heat them.

    1. That’s correct! I asked a Brit why they keep their houses at 13 degrees Celsius (55 F), and he told me that heat costs a lot. Sweaters are a lot cheaper"

  4. This insanity is making headway in this country too... sad sad sad...

  5. Shouldn't be a problem. Limeys like to sleep 6 to a bed under a duvet with hot water bottles while dreaming of Man United beating Arsenal.

  6. Might be a bit of a draw in the grid when all those people turn the heat on in the morning for an hour or more. Even if it's only to bring it up to fifty degrees.

  7. Oi! We can’t starve you fast enough so we’re going to freeze you! Cheers!

  8. The "Upper Crust" will be exempt, but the "Commoners" will have to suck it up.

  9. Any bets on the CCC members not hearing their homes?

  10. Sacrifices for thee, but none for me. The migrant hordes get subsidies while the home lads suffer.

    1. "an' it's 'Tommy this' and 'Tommy that' and 'Chuck him out the door' ."

  11. Was that a big fuck you I just heard rolling in from across the Atlantic?....

  12. I lived "on the economy" in England for three months in the mid to late 90's as a part of a technology exchange with a Brit company. The home I stayed in was new construction in a recently completed housing estate. It was a nice house by their standards.

    The water heater and the home heat was on timers that I could not set. You had hot water for an hour in the morning ang and two hours at night. Home heat was more liberal, but if you stayed home during work times on a week day, it was cold. I tried to make coffee the first weekend. The pot was defective and blew the breaker. All of the lights in the entire house and all of the wall receptacles on the second floor went down. I had to get some one with a key to the garage (no door to the house) to open the garage to get to the breaker box. The bow was located against the ceiling. When I found a chair to to get up there I was told that only a licensed electrician was supposed to do that. Fuck that noise. I reset the breaker.

    In the building in the "industrial estate", the bathrooms were on the landings between floors. Of course, they were not heated and the windows left open for ventilation. And, of course, they were not heated. I can only imagine the stench had it not been cold enough to snow many times during the three months I was there.

    The bosses were the lords and the workers were the vassals. It was a miserable society and the folks I worked with had markedly worse standards of living than I did at home. And, the bosses lived lives of excess and ease. The bosses hated me but did observe that I had an uncanny ability to understand complex material and effectively find ways to resolve issues.

    A couple of months after the trip ended, I was discharged from the joint effort because I offended the Brits' chief scientist by demonstrating that his pet project was a cluster fuck that would never succeed at all, much less in the six months that his college buddy (who was being paid huge amounts of money for a migration tool) promised. Three years after I left, the project still had not succeeded and the American partners dropped it.

    I have so many stories about that whole shit storm that I could go on for hours. But, I fear that I have gone on too much as is. England, then, was a real sh!t hole and sounds like it has gotten worse. I have heard it sad that English food and English women made the English the best sailors in the world. Truer words were never spoken.

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  13. They can and will turn your heat off in the smart homes.

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