
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

VDH Commentary: The Game Hunter Biden Is Playing

What shameless act or felonious activity was not evidenced on Hunter Biden’s laptop? Racist attitudes toward Asians? Soliciting prostitution? Felonious use of drugs? Photographed nudity and perverse sex? Admissions to illicit foreign shakedowns?

Hunter all but accused his own father President Joe Biden of also being on the foreign take: “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family… Unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

Hunter’s alleged felonies range from bribery to tax evasion. That he has not yet been prosecuted for anything is scandalous. His exemption is attributable only to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s likely weaponized directives to federal prosecutors to downgrade or forget altogether felony charges against Hunter.


  1. The only solution is for the peasants to rise up and mount the kings and the kings minions heads on pikes in front of the castle. These people will not stop on their own. They want us all dead...funny, that is the same way I feel about them. DEATH TO TYRANTS!

  2. This shit right here is why I say Biden does not have dementia, he's figured Hunter is vindictive or stupid enough to roll over the minute he is squeezed hard enough. And biden is going to claim " you can't prosecute me I'm mentally incompetent".

    1. hunter will fold like a wet paper bag. hell, if he had to go into general pop, he would be begging to make a deal. otherwise he be someone bitch inside of a hour at most.
      as for Joe, he has always been a bitter mean nasty excuse of a man.
      and he thinks he is slick too, yeah, right. a slick as 80 grit sandpaper.
      damn near all of his scams where setup by someone else.
      as they used to say, out of his depth in a parking lot puddle. dave in pa.

  3. Luckily Garland never made it to the Supreme Court. What a partisan whore that bastard is.

    1. IMO acting out his anger at not being on the SC os one of his motivations

  4. The Biden gang knows Garland and Smith will let the statue of limitations will run out so daddy and son Hunter will be home free.

  5. Tyranny is the unequal application of the law.

    The End

    ch resident of a banana republic

  6. The game is simply explained, he's a spoiled brat son of a life long useless, corrupt politician so he gets to do whatever he wants while we are required to follow the rules at threat of prison or death... Nothing complicated about it

  7. Every time I read or see one of these stories about the Bribem crime family, I want to puke. If this were you or me, they'd have been piping us light a long time ago.

    The fact that the Eff Bee Eye sat on the laptop for over a year, then got a bunch of ne'er do well former intelligence chiefs to declare it Russian disinfo is as big a scandal as the Bribem crime family's shenanigans with money.

    The Treasury department and Eye Arrgh Ess has known about the suspect transactions from foreign sources for over a decade and did NOTHING. That tells one all one needs to know about what's going on with our government.

    Then there's Vlad, the Russian flying lessons chief, calling out our government being corrupt. This from one of the most corrupt leaders on the world stage ever, who knows how to corrupt a government, political system and economy.



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