
Monday, October 23, 2023

A Time-Honored American Ideal

We are the people of America, many of us have our ancestry in this land for 400 years. Others, for several generations coming from different nations, most through normal immigration and the requisite assimilation. Most came with a couple of objectives, safety and prosperity. Neither of which was guaranteed by anyone to anyone. They were the products of one’s own efforts and ambition.


  1. The default mental process for most humans is emotional reacting to stimuli and the need to "feel good". Americans and other Westerners have been brainwashed into believing they should be charitable to those they believe are less fortunate. Thus, people automatically tend to want to "help" Homeless bums, drug addicts, people entering the country illegally, etc. in order to "feel good". The further we get away from the need to survive as individuals, family, community and seeing members outside the tribe as a threat that must be destroyed the closer we get to the extinction of our culture.

    1. I completely agree with everything you wrote

  2. My ancestry is somewhat different because while the English colonies were stirring up trouble with England my ancestors were being kicked out of their lands in what is now Nova Scotia, in what is now the Halifax area, . Since they were French they would not pledge loyalty to England if war was to happen... Back to France then onwards to then Spanish controlled Louisiana they went... Spain welcomed the Acadians because of them being catholic and the majority of English settlers were protestant, Spain felt they needed to grow the population to ward off those damn protestants from heading into the territory... My dad's family settled in south Louisiana in 1774 and mom's side in 1782 so we've been here for a long time..

  3. "They were the products of one’s own efforts and ambition."

    You tell 'em, Chelsea!

  4. "brutalities committed against you by the foreign conquerors enlisted by the domestic government"

    The government is foreign. That's how colonies work.


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