
Monday, October 23, 2023

Now tell us something we don't already know

The case surrounding George Floyd has taken another shocking turn as sworn testimony reveals that not only was there immense pressure on prosecutors to charge during the George Floyd case, but that the county’s medical examiner also stated that there "were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” in relation to Floyd.

This summer, hundreds of pages of sworn testimony from Hennepin County attorneys and county employees involved in the case of George Floyd revealed the “extreme pressure” prosecutors faced in Hennepin County to charge Derek Chauvin and three other former Minneapolis police officers for the death of George Floyd.


Kinda cute how they refer to widespread rioting, looting and the destruction of cities as "far-left pressure", isn't it?


  1. So let's see, pressure to prosecute in the recent years, just the big cases:
    George Zimmerman because he had the nerve to defend himself against a younger black attacker,
    Kyle Rittenhouse because when attacked by criminals belonging to the blm criminal organization he performed perfectly and ended the threat.
    Derek Chauvin and the other 3 officers that responded to the call of a $ 20 counterfeit bill George Floyd tried to pass off... Floyd over doses in from of a crowd with some filming...
    None of these should have been brought to trial but since justice is not blind and is politically motivated they all were. Fortunately Zimmerman and Rittenhouse had fair juries....
    So just remember when you get that jury summons you may be able to release an innocent person if chosen..

  2. Most people are instant gratification, emotionally reactors controlled by malevolent, control freak critical thinkers. Situations are created that fit the greater agenda of the critical thinkers and the rabble emotionally reacts. We know the reality of the Floyd situation but nothing will come of it because almost all have moved on to another manufactured "crisis" situation. It's human nature that cannot be altered, so get used to it.

  3. Hopefully soon, Mr. Chauvin will be exonerated completely (as he should be) and will have the multi-million dollar wrongful conviction settlement in the bank.

    1. Chauvin is a fucking pig, like the rest of them. Granted, I think that he was innocent in this case. That doesn't change the fact that this bully pig probably has violated the rights of god knows how many responsible citizens in the last 10-15 years of his career (with no consequences; thin blue line and all). As they say with the beat-up Mud-Shark single moms: "Toll Paid"!!

      He was just a crooked cop who was made the scape goat to prevent further BLM rioting. I certainly don't give a shit about him. If the powers that be really wanted him to pay, he would have been thrown into general population, by now, and found sodomized to death with about 2 pints of jizz in his corpse!

    2. Right on brother! Right on!!

  4. Yeah, what I don’t understand is all the CONSERVATIVE media headlines like “huh! Lookit that! Floyd died from a drug overdose. Who knew?”

    Spoiler: Fox News in particular is part of the problem.

    1. Two different subjects, fox news and conservative. Faux is the furthest right of the far left media. They are as right wing as Hitler. Of course if you're a Stalinist, then Hitler is right wing.

  5. So will Derek Chauvin now get a chance for a retrial, with actual evidence, instead of a kangaroo court? I can guess the answer to that.

  6. The medical examiner's report was known and reported at the time. And introduced at trial. How in hell they managed to prosecute, let alone convict, Chauvin is totally beyond me. Given the fact, the judge should have overruled the jury finding as inconsistent with the evidence.

  7. I am always entertained when police make a fentynal bust that could kill a thousand people or two george flloyds.

  8. we knew all this stuff back when it happened

  9. The left, NWO, globalist, needs of elevate the african simpleton in all things FUSA to keep dragging down White Heritage American Culture.
    Folks its coming. Open season on any kind of illegal, and any that identify as anti american.
    One will soon need to pick a side, all will need to chose. Hope your are in a good place. Buydem is going to make sure Armageddon is kicked off.

  10. I hope Chauvin is a liberal.

  11. Prosecutorial misconduct. State's Attorney should be disbarred. Chauvin's attorneys should appeal and/or submit a motion to set aside the verdict. There has been a gross miscarriage of justice.


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