
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Alaska Sues Biden Admin over Canceled Oil Leases

Alaska is suing the Biden administration for cancelling oil and gas leases sold in the state under the Trump administration.

The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) formally filed a lawsuit against the Department of the Interior on Wednesday, a move which it had promised to make in response to DOI’s September decision to retroactively cancel seven oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The DOI hailed the cancellations as a strong action to protect the environment, but industry groups and political officials slammed the revocations for their questionable legality and effects on the U.S. energy sector.


  1. Buy a Hunter painting if you want to play.
    Pay to play, Alaska.
    Come on, man.

  2. Why would anyone leave Kalifornia and go to Washington or Oregon? I mean, good riddance, but….


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