
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Leaving California: These were the top destinations for Californians who moved in 2022

The California exodus continues, new Census data released Thursday shows. In 2022, more than 817,000 people left the Golden State for somewhere else in the U.S. 

About 475,000 people decided to move to California last year, meaning California suffered a net loss of around 342,000 to other U.S. states.


There was a stretch here where I'd see California plates every so often, maybe once a month, but no more. Now it's states from up north.
My new favorite thing to do when I go into town is circling the town square and see how many out of state license plates I see while the owners of the vehicles are getting their new Tennessee plates at the county clerk's office. It seems like it's at least one a week and the vehicles are mostly from New York and Illinois.


  1. The least likely destination for someone leaving California last year was Delaware. Only about 600 people are estimated to have made that move.

    What? They don't want to rub elbows with the Bidens?

  2. Definitely something wrong with people that move into my communist shithole socialist state of Washington instead of move out of it.

    1. Yeah, I wondered that too. WA sure is beautiful though

  3. Being the wrong kind of californian moving to the wrong area in Florida will earn you frequent ass kickings.

  4. They leave the mess they created themselves in kalifornia and do the same again wherever they land.
    A Coloradan sick and tired of Kalifornians' lousy voting habit.

  5. Here in Atlanta the California, Texas, and New York plates are the most popular. Then it is a mixture of New England states and Illinois. I have noticed that many of those out of state tags have expired. GA has a high ad valorem tax when you first register your car. They will drive on their old tags and trade vehicles where the ad valorem tax is rolled into a payment.

    1. Yep. NY plated neighbors have been here 6months with two relatively new Audis....TAVT is their reason for not getting GA plates....I winder how their insurance company accommodates that?

  6. Oh good, Arizona got 70,000+. 🙄
    I hope they are mostly freedom seeking conservatives but I don’t like the odds.
    Now please get to work helping us get rid of the talking turnip we have for a governor.

    1. That's why we have that 'talking turnip'.

  7. Left California and moved to Pennsylvania 2 years ago. Would have gone home to Texas but the property taxes and utility costs were too high. Could see that the Southwest, where population is increasing faster than the water supply, is already heading for a crisis I don't want to have to live in or pay for.

    1. I live about 60 miles north of Austin, TX. Got so many of the bastards moving in that property values are now sky high. I'm waiting to go to a property tax hearing to protest my new valuation. It tripled (as in 3x higher) from last year. It sucks because I don't make shit. About half of them are actually conservative but plenty of blue bastards now live around here.

  8. Well on the flip side of the coin, I live in an extremely conservative NorCal county with a bunch of extremely conservative neighbors. It's nice here but we're still subject to outrageous utility bills, taxes, etc. But it's like one of my neighbors said the other day, "Hell we would have sold and left along time ago if we could figure out a destination that's not going to be just as bad or worse than where we are at now in a couple years". AZ is a good example. You got a handful of communists taking over that state and nobodies doing a damn thing about it.

    1. You’re somebody.

    2. Same here, man. Our pensions are raped here for taxes, but I feel like we're behind the moving out power curve. I like my woodsy digs and might just stay because at this rate in 5 years this state will be vacant.

    3. Is that a question or an accusation ? Anon. LOL

    4. "I like my woodsy digs and might just stay because at this rate in 5 years this state will be vacant."
      Yes to everything you typed AND there is a theory out there that what ever state hits critical mass first will be the first to recover. I'm very confident in Newsom to get that done.

    5. I'd like to know WTF he thinks he's doing meeting with the Chinese guy XI? What a fucking traitor.

  9. I'll probably stay in this toilet for the duration. I did go out on a month long drive around the country recently. I damn near put a bumper sticker on saying "Just passing through" so the locals didn't think I was part of the invasion.

  10. My wife's cousin and her husband just moved from the burbs of Sacramento to rural North Carolina. Sold their house and ten acres that they've owned for 50 years for $1.2 million and are moving into a beautiful little house they had built on 3 acres for less than $500K. They'll be paying two dollars less for gas and saving two-thirds on their power bill. They're both in their mid-seventies and are as excited as they can be.
    They won't be alone. Two of their 8 kids are already there and 2 or 3 others will be joining them soon.
    They are a Cristian family that is very Conservative. Just the kind of family Democrats are glad to see go.

  11. I live in rural southern Missouri and just had a 40 something couple from California buy and move onto the 21 acre parcel next to me. They are thrilled to be here and can't believe you can just walk into a gun shop and walk out with a new gun.

  12. Some folks moved in up the valley from New Jersey. The husband showed up first and put in water, electric, and a nice pole barn. After his wife arrived, they are looking to get a house built (but builders are very busy now due to the influx of folks). We attended a neighborhood meet and greet with them a couple of months ago, and they are solid conservatives that are fitting right in. As ex-pats ourselves, we spent some time talking to them about observing the neighborly art of being polite and friendly. The four wives in the valley are now on a shared texting setup where they get to talk about things that are going on.

  13. A lot of them tourists who come to see Fall color.
    We were just in NC a while back ourselves.


  14. Family here from Massachusetts. They moved in a couple of years ago, bought the biggest house in the subdivision and still keep Mass plates on their cars. I guess there's some trickery there. Both teach at the local U. I guess they're not assimilating. No one I know has had any conversation with them.


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