
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Close the Border

The American people, at least the reader, has to start getting tough. Those in the government are not your enemies, because they don’t even give you the respect of being a human being. They consider you less than that and they’ve made that clear since 2008 when they threw the people under the bus so they could bail out the banks as if a total crash and reset wouldn’t have benefitted the people. It would have. We would now be climbing to new heights of prosperity.


  1. Because... you know... ahhh... When you find some dude sleeping on your couch, after raping your dog... it's time to pay the Home Owener's Association for a(nother) new lock. On the front door. And get a second job. So you can refill the fridge, and (maybe?) get the dog some lube.

    Dude's here. Now. Making him feel "welcome" is what Jesus wants.

  2. Kenny, I posted this over at Bustednuckles. A good post! Kevin.

  3. All the politicians want this shit even though some pretend they don’t. Big companies want this shit, Drug and human trafficking cartels want this shit, NPOs want this shit because they will profit from the open border’s invasion. In addition all Democrat voters want it because they're feel good at any cost asshole martyrs, 50% of Republican voters are too stupid to know it's happening, are profiting from it or just don't give a shit s long as they have their pro sports, pickups and social media to amuse them.

  4. The concerned citizens need to revolt! I’m ready, are you?

    1. I think the half-dozen or so of us aren't going to make much of a difference.

  5. In 2008 John Allison of BB&T told Hank Paulson that his bank didn't need the bailout and was leaving the meeting. He was not allowed to. Treasury told BB&T to borrow...or else.


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