
Monday, October 09, 2023

Commentary: No Jobs for White Men

A recent Bloomberg investigation reported on a shocking development: “The year after Black Lives Matter protests, the S&P 100 added more than 300,000 jobs — 94% went to people of color.” While only 6% of jobs at these top companies went to whites, white people make up 77% of the total U.S. workforce and about 60-65% of the adult population.


  1. Got to have someone to shine shoes and wash dishes.

  2. When you consider that only 6% of jobs are in management....well....there you go....

  3. They don't mention competence.

  4. Well, the silver lining is all them pocys are going to catch up on their child support

  5. I just finished reading this and almost sent it to you

  6. And then they wonder……..

  7. Sounds like there's some good money to be made with some lawsuits. So what the lawyers will get rich. Let them. Just go after these deep pocket companies.

  8. I didn't know they still needed folks to pick cotton

    1. John Deere producing yet another quality product.

  9. No wonder manufactured goods and services have gone to shit -

  10. hell. this is nothing new. I ran into that shit back in the 1970's. there was a couple of great jobs I COULD NOT GET because I was the wrong color. funny how that shit works ?
    and I saw it again in the 1990's and early 2000's nothing new. got tired of it all and went to work at the VA. at least there as a vet I had a shot at getting the job- I did.
    funny thing happen though, it was the white guys who did most of the work there too.
    weird right ? dave in pa.

  11. I worked for a major grocery retailer for 8 years. Made it into low-level management. After 3 1/2 years of 60 hour work weeks and perfect performance reviews, I was specifically told that I was "un-promotable" because I was a white male. Furthermore, they wanted me to train some off-the-street Nig-Nog with no experience in retail whatsoever, how to do the job that I was shooting for since I was "so good at it". They even offered me a whopping $0.40/hr raise if i could get said Nig-Nog up to speed in 3 months. I put in my two weeks notice shortly after.

  12. Let these idiots ruin their companies.


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