
Monday, October 16, 2023

Commentary: Rumors of ESG’s Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

Consumer and Republican backlash against Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investments has increased dramatically in the past year as states, Congress and presidential candidates have taken on the issue, promising to rein in the largely green-conscious movement of capital amid spiraling energy and food costs since 2021.


  1. Bottom line, if the government gets their way you won't have anything to invest. ESGs are the way they flatten the curve monetarily. Then if you get lucky, you have to pay taxes on "unrealized gains". Socialism realized.

  2. Republicans are instant gratification, feel good creatures where Democrats are long game, delayed gratification players. That means the Republicans laugh, guffaw and get high at their perceived "victories" while the Democrats just shake their heads, display smug grins while they think: Can't believe those scmucks fell for the old Peanut football scam once again.

  3. Vivek Ramaswamy's company, Roivant is all about ESG despite what the candidate says.

    "Overseeing ESG:
    ESG is a priority at Roivant’s board level. Roivant’s Board of Directors, specifically the Nominating & Governance Committee, is responsible for ESG oversight. We have also established a cross-functional ESG Working Group of senior leaders to develop and implement our ESG pillars."

    - WDS


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