
Monday, October 16, 2023

If I can't puke there, I ain't drinking there

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Some Bay Area restaurants are charging drunk customers who leave a mess behind - specifically vomit. 

SF Gate reports that Kitchen Story in Oakland posted a sign in its bathroom.


Alternative caption:  Paying for those drinks coming and going.


  1. I worked many jobs in bars when I was younger, the worst parts were drunk females, drunk wannabe tough guys and drunks that puke .... Puking drunks were the worst..

  2. Yet, San Francisco residents put up with human excrement, used hypodermics, and a host of other bio-hazards lining their sidewalks. Is this a severe case of misplaced priorities or just a distorted sense of NIMBY?

  3. Looks like someone should come up with a Compazine cocktail

  4. Back in the 80s I was a "chef" in a cafe in center city Philly (it was Tangiers at 18th & Lombard for those that care). There was a guy who did maintenance and once when someone puked in the bathroom sink, I happened to be there when he was cleaning it up. It was nothing but stinky chunks. He reached in with his bare hand and kept picking them up and tossing them into the toilet. It almost made me hurl.

    Funny thing is, he became my best friend for many years. It probably didn't hurt that he sold coke too...

  5. Ya serve someone to that state of drunken vomiting (alcohol poisoning) - then they go out, drive & kill someone, the server & bartender are equally liable in NC.

    ABC will pull the receipt & charge card records along w any bar videos - I happen to agree w this policy as much as I abhor govt meddling. Damn sure govt run liquor stores is a fked up endeavor but I digress...



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