
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Corrective Firing

At this point it is well documented that people lose their jobs for a range of deeds, real or alleged, that run afoul of today’s “woke” mentality. What is striking is that we do not already have a widely agreed-upon name for this phenomenon (though we do for its ugly twin, cancel culture). I would like to suggest “corrective firing.”


  1. While he has a good point on a decent topic, I continue to be astounded by the self-righteous pontificating this type of article seems to feel is useful. They read more like an isolated 'he was always so quiet' type's manifesto. Dropping this dribbling diatribe into some 'readability' checkers, it scored a D on an A-E rating. It feels like they don't really understand their topic well enough, so have to try to dazzle with extra bullshit.

    Either that, or maybe they get paid by the word.

  2. What caliber is used when corrective firing occurs?

  3. Firing is too accurate of a term. They would want a softer euphemism, such as 'corrective dismissal'. Cultural Marxists present themselves as taking the high road

  4. And here I thought the Brits couldn't be beat with their oh-so-polite "made redundant".
    But I have to admit, "corrective dismissal" is pretty good.

  5. "Corrective firing", as a term, sucks. Both unimaginative and forgettable. And of course, not pejorative enough. How about "Cancel Canned"? Even the unalliterative "Woke Fired" is better. Maybe "Liberal Let Go"? "Woke sacked" etc.

    How this idiot arrived at such an inadequate term I'll never know. Unless he was being deliberately wrong in order to solicit a correction and get somebody (even a little bit) smarter to come up with something good?

    John G

  6. At a company I worked at one of the employees got caught ordering computer stuff and was taking it home. The department head made an announcement and said his position was "vacated" instead of the term fired. So perhaps the position has been a "vacation correction".

  7. At the last company I was at when I "retired", the annual sensitivity training was about 4 hours of videos followed by 3 hours of security training featuring an animated theme of "be the hero". A full work day of the most inane drivel I had ever been involuntarily exposed to. I sent an email to the security folks telling them, that next year, they should just send me a loaded pistol by interoffice mail because I would rather eat a bullet than sit thru another set of that torture. They replied with a single word: "Ouch".


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