
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wisconsin Judge: Schools Secretly Trans-ing Kids Are Violating Parents’ Rights.

Parents have won a landmark legal battle against the Kettle Moraine School District in Wisconsin, with Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Maxwell banning school authorities “from allowing or requiring staff to refer to students using a name or pronouns at odds with the student’s biological sex, while at school, without express parental consent.”


  1. Would it be any different if ´teachers´ secretly had students accept allah as there god & personal savior?

    1. Allah? Sure. That's cool. Muslims are a protected class. Just not Jesus. Christians are in the unprotected class.

  2. I'm surprised more people don't get shot in the face these days

  3. So first comment - Good common sense news...

    2nd comment - "The school district could not administer medicine to a student without parental consent."

    Wait a couple years - some states (Washington) are now allowing this:

  4. Outside of Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin is a pretty conservative and level headed state.

  5. If you fuck with my kids, the legal system is the least of your worries. I know better than to sue the devil in his courtroom, besides, there is a Torah for that.


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