
Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Culver City purchases closing gun store to prevent another from opening

A soon-to-be vacant gun store in Culver City has a new owner: the city itself.

Earlier this month, Culver City announced plans to purchase the Martin B. Retting Gun Store on Washington Boulevard for a price tag of more than $6 million.

The gunshop was a mainstay in Culver City for more than six decades, but in July, its longtime owners announced the store would be closing shop.


  1. The argument that a gun shop is somehow more of a danger because it's close to a school amazes me with its idiocy. A School-shooter is seemingly much more likely to go into a gun shop, fill out all the paperwork, wait seven days for delivery, and then carry out his horrific plan because the gun shop is located near a school.


    1. Ten business days in California, so it's basically a two week waiting period.

    2. They believe invisible rays from the Eevil guns will infect young minds.

  2. I guess the city fathers believe this purchase will stop criminals with guns from doing criminal activity. Fucking idiots.

    1. They believe no such thing. They do this to make it harder for otherwise good people to obtain firearms.

  3. The one resident is typically brain-dead: “I am not a Second Amendment proponent by any stretch of the imagination.."

  4. And they used tax dollars to purchase the business to loose a tax paying business just to increase the property tax on the taxpayers to make up the lost taxes...Brilliant!

    1. Shhhh, you're making sense and that's not allowed in the senile retards fake administration....

    2. Yeah but like, man, the social credit score bump and virtue signaling is totes worth the $6M, dude.

      I hope half the taxpayers in town ask for their money back and vote these cunts out.

      Of course, I don't care because I've been done with the entire left coast for years...

  5. The idiots on the Hartford City Council protested the opening of a Cabelas in East Hartford because they asserted that street thugs would go across the Connecticut River, fill out a 4473 and the required DPS state form and present their Connecticut State Permit and pay bust-out retail and buy their guns there, sure.

    1. You know you're screwed when you live in a state where someone who looks like this
      appears before your state legislature, making a case for more gun laws.

  6. Oh, man...I bought my first gun there. And probably 20% of all the guns I have now. The end of another era.......

  7. Congratulations to the owners for making bank on the sale. Hope it sticks. I've heard of cities making such purchases then demanding a renegotiation downward of the price at closing

  8. I bought my little Beretta 71 there years ago. Still have it. Used to get their mail order catalogs WAY back in the day. Think I still have one somewhere. Wish books for a budding gunny.

    1. I bought a Browning 1910 from there awhile back. Great selection of collectables. Also, the store had a small part in the movie Zabriske Point.

  9. This is just more proof of the left's unshakable belief that guns cause crime.


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