
Thursday, October 05, 2023

Good Morning



  1. Replies
    1. Beatrice my thought exactly!

    2. The only time a cat can be "hearded" is at 3 AM when they want to get laid and 5 AM when they want food.

  2. I hope they don't end up quacking instead of meowing.

  3. momma cat thinking 'really, I just got them all asleep'

  4. It's like at my place. We adopted a feral cat who'd been hanging around the house all summer. When she finally got tame enough to pick up I realized she was bagged up. A few days later her four kittens appeared.

    Mom is now completely domesticated. The kittens are still pretty wild and independent. They come and go as they please, but always together. They made the local paper, as someone called 911 when they saw them down at the post office.

    I've only petted one of the kittens so far. She purred, but I'm sure she'd prefer to be left alone.

  5. flooring installed crap job


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