
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

GOP Presidential Candidates Support Ethanol Mandates, Oppose EV Regulations

All presidential candidates who have bothered to campaign in Iowa support increased ethanol mandates and oppose electric vehicle mandates, according to a biofuels advocacy organization. 

Biofuels Vision 2024 said the Republican candidates actively campaigning for the GOP presidential nomination in the Hawkeye State support year-round E15 (gasoline with 15 percent ethanol added) and opposed EV mandates pushed by the Biden administration.


  1. Corn belongs on your plate or in your whiskey.
    NOT in your gas tank.

    1. "Putting food in your gas tank is a very bad idea."

  2. Ethanol has almost zero value to emissions when it is realized it does not contain the same amount of BTUs per unit of measure as gasoline, as it is required to burn more ethanol to achieve the same power levels as gas - end of story. This, while it does have a huge impact on the total production of food for people. Corn has been the primary source of ethanol, and frankly, it is beyond moronic to dip into the food chain.

  3. Fuck Iowa, fuck ethanol, fuck the politicians. Lower taxes on gas and remove all subsidies from corn ethanol. Tell the farmers to grow something else for a change.

  4. The absolute absurdity and stupidity of burning diesel fuel, to plant and harvest corn, to turn into a engine fuel is absolutely mind boggling.
    Then, to top it off; you have to burn two times as much alcohol to make the same power as gas - 7:1 AFR vs 14:1 AFR.
    All about the grift and kickbacks.

    Whitehall, NY

  5. I know nothing about this, so I say nothing

  6. Considering the damage ethanol does to small engines and boat motors I'll have to pass on that one too.

    1. Fortunately, a local gas station sells ethanol-free gas, for a price, of course, but it saves me from having to buy new trimmers or blowers so often. Even using an ethanol killer isn't a total cure.

    2. I wish I could buy ethanol free gas near me. I have one that's 30 minutes away. Too far to be convenient. I've got about 12 small engines for my property and knowing this left-wing bullshit is killing them just sucks.

    3. I'm already on my 2nd carb on my generator due to that shit. But I think I'm found a gas station that sells "pure" gasoline, so I'm trying that.

  7. 15 percent ethanol is ridiculous. 5 percent is too much.... Use the corn to feed livestock or make drinking whiskey and keep it out of our gas tanks

    1. Ah, but present day cars, etc won't run for shit on 15%; you have to buy the new and improved versions.

  8. This rank, rank of politicians are getting paid by the ethanol cartel...

  9. Corn lobby has a lot of Warren Buffet money in it.

  10. Jimmy "I'm a farmer" Carter created The Department of Energy to "solve" the energy crisis of the 1970s by breaking the US dependence on foreign oil. The department is still here, bigger and more wasteful than ever. Did it solve the energy crisis by producing more domestic oil, more coal, more nuclear plants? Did it? Anyone? Bueller?

    Ethanol subsidies are a handout to factory farming / industrial agriculture. The gubmint pays the subsidies, Conagra, Monsanto etc. send "donations" to the elected bunch of grifters that occasionally meet in the US Capital. Ethanol in motor fuels required the auto industry to adapt by all fuel-contact parts to be stainless steel or otherwise unable to be corroded by the water that gloms onto the ethanol molecules in solution, thus adding unnecessary cost to new automobiles. Similar to the mandate to have "winter" gasoline blends that use MTBE for cars that do not have an oxygen sensor in the tailpipe (which is about ZERO cars these days, especially after cash for clunkers got rid of any remaining relics), it is something that was started, is no longer needed, and will never go away.

    I buy non-ethanol gas whenever I can (which is most of the time - it is all-around better for the insides of the infernal combustion engine - and I should know, I worked designing petroleum refinery process unit operations for long enough to learn this type of wizzdom).

  11. The Electraglide gets 51 mpg on 90 octane real gas. The best it can get on any grade of ethanol gas is 44mpg. There is also a noticeable performance loss. The ethanol gas has destroyed every carburetor I have. If it has a carburetor I use only real gas.

    By my calculations the diesel used to produce a gallon of ethanol and the 12% loss in fuel mileage and lower performance make ethanol gas an economic loss until ethanol gas hits $7.23 a gallon. That is figured with diesel at $4 a gallon. This makes as much since as pissing in the wind while scrubbing down with a bar of soap to take a shower.

    1. Every gallon of ethanol produced is a net energy loss.

  12. The wisdom of the 20th century...."We have a food shortage problem in the world....I know!....let's use our food for fuel in our vehicles"


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