
Monday, October 30, 2023

Gun Sales Spike 200% in Maine After Tragic Mass Shooting

Gun sales in Lewiston, Maine and the surrounding area spiked over 200% after a deadly mass shooting claimed the lives of 18 people and wounded over a dozen more.


I'm not surprised, but it's too little, too late. The time to buy anything is before you need it, not after.


  1. yeah. and when there is a riot in the street, your dumb ass neighbor will ask you for a gun and ammo too. plan on it. and also plan on them trying to hide behind you too.

    1. I know my neighbors and I generally like my neighbors but am I not going to loan them anything or stand in front of them if shit hits the fan.... Along side of sure but we are using our own equipment for our own decisions and actions

    2. Knowing your neighbors and actually building community is something that a whole lot of people make zero effort to do…

    3. I was just reading yesterday about Pretty Boy Floyd gunning down a former sheriff. The former sheriff did not get a shot off because someone game him an automatic rifle that he was unfamiliar with. Same with the two men with the sheriff; they were using weapons they weren't familiar with and did not get shots off.

      Train with what you'll use; use what you train with. Giving someone a weapon they aren't familiar with just before they need it does no one any good (with the possible exception of the bad guys).

    4. Do you trust your neighbors? Do you, since Obama and Biden both instituted federal rat lines to narc on normal people doing normal things?

      Really. How much do you trust anyone past saying "Hello?" Do you trust them to watch your kids? Do you give them keys to your house so when you're gone they can check it out? (all these things were common until the mid 80's.)

    5. A lot of my neighbors are A holes that have zero respect for other peoples property rights...seriously, get the hell off my lawn (land); it's not your parking garage or dumping ground.

    6. Beans
      I've lived in my neighborhood for 22 years now, I know most all those near me pretty well and yes there are a couple we have exchanged keys with as a JIC... We keep each other informed on what's going on here, we all have security cameras. If they needed help I'm there and the same in return.. I do consider myself lucky to be in my situation but it didn't happen overnight..

    7. Seriously. A lot of people on “our” side whine about meeting “like-minded people” while doing jack shit to build any type of rapport with those in their immediate surrounds. Good on you for those who do.

  2. Doesn't do any good when you're "fish in a barrel" at one of those gun free zones. Think the DA won't make an example out of you? Think again.
    - WDS

  3. Think they are anticipating a spate of unconstitutional laws against firearms.

    1. They would be right about that assumption. There will be the usual suspects calling for "sensible, common sense gun control" laws and a banning of "assault weapons".

  4. After the Rodney King riots, it was reported that gun sales were up 300%. The gun store owner said "try 3,000%."

  5. Anyone that goes out and about today are fools if they do it without protection. If your home isn't protected then you are even a bigger fool. I taught my wife and she also went to classes and goes to the range on occasion. We also have a range at home. Ol .12 is by the bed locked and loaded. I'll be god damned if I'll be cut down thinking, I wish I had. With that I hope with all my heart I never have to use them. Been there.

  6. The best time to buy a gun is 20 years ago. The next best time is today. (This is tree wisdom. :) )

    Also, gun sales after every shooting discourages additional government regulation as they can see the public's opinion (public putting their own money where their mouth is), and not via a questionable poll.

  7. So no one shot back at the Maine nutcase, were there really no one there with a LTC and a firearm or was it the case that the bar made the location a automatic Gun-Free Zone and anyone carrying just got themselves out.
    So does malevolent prosecution do make cowards of us all.

    1. I am not familiar with Maine. In the states I am familiar with, it is trespassing if you violate the business' "do not carry here" signs. I've accidently done it once, and deliberately once. Usually I skip the establishment if they post such signs.

    2. The Bowling Alley was also a gun-free zone.

      Hunting over bait, basically.

    3. In IN the GFZ signs do not carry the force of law...though it does tend to limit you to concealed carry as the owner can ask you to leave or it becomes trespassing.

  8. F*ck signs. Carry everywhere


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