
Monday, October 09, 2023

Hey, you wanted a green funeral? Guess what, you're green!

PENROSE, Colo. - The awful smell seeped from a neglected building in a small Colorado town for days, followed by a report that made police take a closer look at the "green" funeral operator’s storage facility. Inside, they made a gruesome discovery: At least 115 decaying bodies.

LOCAL NEWS VIDEO HERE  (2:48 minutes)


  1. There's a slight misunderstanding here. This was a line of dead people voting for the democrats.

  2. Hay man...Guess what little bitty assed town in the middle of nowhere colorado that i live in ?
    c'mon, i dare
    what a frooferaw.
    2 1/2 eateries in this burg, and the media has taken them both over.
    Yeah, noticed the 'aroma' but just put it off as someones pet or local wildlife crawled into the bushes and died. cept it didnt go away ina few like it shoulda. eventually someone checked the deserted funeral parlour OR a vagrant broke in and discovered the nightmare of his life. Ive heard both stories.
    this was the first place i called after Lisa passed, but the guy was an ass, and wanted almost as much for the transport from Pueblo to Penrose (25 miles or so) as for the cremation. so i went with a place around the corner from the hosp where she was instead.
    Being a cheap bastard saved me lots of grief in this instance.
    two weeks later is when they boarded it up.

  3. So my way of thinking is a " green funeral ' would be dropping the body in the grave, saying a few words and maybe a shot of whiskey for a last drink with your friends then throwing the dirt to close the hole....I doubt over regulated Colorado would allow such a simple goodbye so what exactly is a green funeral ??

    1. Throw the stinking hippie in a wood chipper and blow him out onto a cow pasture.


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