
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Illinois State Police encourage registration of assault-style weapons

CHICAGO - Illinois State Police are urging gun owners in the state to register their assault-style weapons in compliance with the Protect Illinois Communities Act, which went into effect at the start of the year.

The legislation prohibits the sale of 170 firearms, but owners of previously possessed weapons can maintain them if they are registered with the state before January 1, 2024.


'Encourages', my ass, they're requiring it. No matter, mass non-compliance seems to be the Phrase of the Day here. Take a few minutes out of your day and let William Kirk from Washington Gun Law break it down for you.


  1. They tried that shit in califukya years ago . I was talking to an ex navy seal that was so proud that the state let him keep his ar for a price. I kept mine without paying the state's ransom.

  2. Don't worry. All gun-owning criminals will self-report.

  3. These fucking Progressive politicians don't give a shit how many people are shot. It's another case of neurotic control freaks in power using every resource to make people they don't like obey. They are so obsessed using this law they'll send the police goon squads to break into houses to grab the guns and if a honest citizen shoots a criminal in self-defense with an unregistered AR15 guess who's going in the slammer for 20 years.

    1. I don't agree. Those politicians DO care about how many people are shot: the more the merrier. It gets them votes. THEIR problem is PEOPLE SHOOTING BACK. They don't want their criminal voters to get hurt.

    2. "They worry about people shooting back" That's getting into a civil war scenario, Hank. That's a noble fantasy, butI don't see that happening.

  4. Unfortunately our police have this liking of….
    no knock/middle of the night arrest/search warrant raids….
    If you’ve got enough evidence to arrest/search….
    Why are the police breaking into peoples’s homes….
    in the middle of the night….????
    It’s a good way to get shot….
    even home invaders have now been caught on video..,.
    screaming “police….police” as they break in homes.

    1. Hips and heads.

      TMF Bert

    2. That’s where chicks with names like Maegen Hall like to catch their loads!

      TMF Bert

  5. Yeah, It's going to sound like I'm saying "fuck NO !!" to the fat feckless fuck of a governor in Illinois...


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