
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

SCOTUS to Hear Landmark NCLA Case Against Government Social Media Censorship

Washington, DC (October 20, 2023) — For the second time in eight days, the U.S. Supreme Court has granted certiorari in one of NCLA’s cases. This afternoon the Court agreed to hear arguments over the Fifth Circuit’s grant of a preliminary injunction in Missouri v. Biden, a case brought on behalf of NCLA clients Drs. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, and Aaron Kheriaty, and Ms. Jill Hines, alongside the Attorneys General of Louisiana and Missouri. The injunction would bar officials[i] from the White House, CDC, FBI, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and Surgeon General’s office from coercing or significantly encouraging social media platforms to censor constitutionally protected speech. The New Civil Liberties Alliance welcomes this opportunity to defend the First Amendment rights of our clients in the U.S. Supreme Court.


  1. Brutal punishment is required too, not just stopping the Constitutional and human rights violations.

  2. How any one of the Justices could rule for censorship to be allowed is beyond me yet they act like there is some doubt about the validity of government censorship.

  3. If there is no jail time associated with the crime, then the law is pointless. The govt agencies will always censor if they have a lapdog like facebook, google, medical journals to go with it.


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