
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Judicial Watch Source: Biden Has ‘Mistreated,’ ‘Punched and Kicked His Dogs’

Joe Biden has allegedly mistreated his dogs by “punching and kicking” them, Judicial Watch reported on Thursday.

The accusation comes after Biden’s German Shepherd, Commander, was removed from the White House for attacking and  biting multiple Secret Service agents.  Commander is the second Biden canine to cause violent mayhem in the White House. The family’s previous dog, Major, was given away in December 2021 after a series of attacks on Secret Service and White House staff.


  1. I don't know what to say, why are the dogs like they are, what does it say about their owner

  2. Biden is a piece of shit human being. He does not deserve a dog.

  3. I already know Bidens an asshole. You don't have to sell me on it.

  4. No surprise there.
    Dogs rarely bite unless:
    1. They're feral
    2. They've been abused
    3. They've been trained to

    1. I'm a doberman guy and that is mostly accurate. While my doberman has never had formal attack training, she is naturally very protective and would dish out harm to anyone who was in our yard without an invitation or especially tried to cause harm to our family. I have a buddy with a german shepherd that has similar traits. Bottom line is these breeds have protection built in. Untrained dogs such as what the bidens have likely has had no training to curb it from being overly playful. It might think it's playing when it bites. These types of dogs are not for the timid or you end up with an unruly dog.

  5. May or may not be relevant, but during the 70s and 80s, there was an alarming number of German Shepherds that were found killed in a ritual satanic fashion. It was something unique to that breed of dog, and I wouldn't put it past ol' Brandon to abuse them

  6. Like we need another reason to hate the lying, plagiarizing, dementia addled, pants shitting, pedophile traitor.

  7. As if I didn't have reason enough for my intense dislike for the posing sonofabitch.

  8. Conservative Treehouse this afternoon has this story-
    "Joe Biden's Brother, Frank Biden, Posted Fully Naked Pictures of Himself and Genitals on Gay Porn Dating Website".

    Was there ever a more amoral, disgusting, reprehensible family that the Biden family, top to bottom (pun intended)?

    1. I tried posting that article from the Daily Mail with the caption "Could this family possibly be any more fucked up?" and blogger flagged it for violating their community standards.

    2. Seems like the whole family is nothing but perverts and criminals and perverted criminals.

    3. Apparently, blogger doesn't like a Spade to be called a Spade, even when it's a family of fucked up White reprobates you're talking about.

    4. yeah, they do seem to be the very shallow end of the gene pool.
      and if your dog doesn't trust or like someone, you would be wise to follow their lead.
      no better judge of a person than a dog. just a mean and nasty family. dave in pa.

  9. Dogs are not stupid. The protectors are standing around, not protecting the dog but the senile abuser of the dog. The dog can’t bite the one who needs it, but can punish the protector (SS) for not doing his job.

  10. Abusing dogs are the don't even rate on Biden's crimes....

    1. If it’s true it’s the one thing that could sink him.

  11. What the hell is wrong with that family?

  12. I knew something was up. I have had 2 German Sheppard's. Both were loving, part of the family and protective of their family.

  13. His dogs are as fucked up as his kids....

  14. Never forget the last thing the truck driver saw before he plowed into the first Mrs. Biden's station wagon: Her face. She looked him right in the eye and pulled out in front of his truck. That was in the drivers first statement and that account was buried many years ago.

  15. Obvious what is going on here, someone in the white house is sodomizing these male dogs. Dirty Joe?


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