
Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Luckily, nobody gives a shit what the French think

More than four in ten people in France would back a lifetime limit of four flights per person, according to a survey published this week by the Consumer Science and Analytics (CSA) Institute. 

The market research and opinion polling firm found that 41 per cent of those surveyed in France are supportive of a proposal from engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici to ban people from taking more than four aeroplane trips during their entire lifetime.


  1. So poll an ethnocentric country with a overinflated sense of superiority and are surprised that they don't see a lot of value in going somewhere else? Go figure. I bet you'd get similar results in certain areas of most countries.

    1. France is over 10% Muslim. The south of France is overrun with them. Paris is full of them, and Africans. Is France without the French worth anything? probably "NO".

  2. The level of stupid of some people is hard to fathom. Not to mention their willingness to accept the most totalitarian bullshit. I'm sure everybody in France would just be thrilled about how this would affect their tourism industry as well.

    I was on more than four flights before I was six months old. And I really doubt I'm special. That's a single vacation through Europe.

  3. Numbers..are easily manipulated.

    1. Sure are just look at the last election

  4. So you've used your 4 lifetime flights and suddenly your parent/relative is not expected to make it very long. Is it "too bad, so sad "? And how will John Kerry justify his continuing existence if he can't fly to all the global warming conferences?

  5. I guess that would preclude pilots needing much experience, after all, consistency would dictate they would be likmited to 4 flights.

    1. Even the most draconian laws can be waived and packed with exemptions.
      How soon do the serfs forget this.

  6. We were talking about this at work. These people are nuts. Of course it will only apply to the hoi polloi. Politicians, actors, captains of industry, will all get waivers because they're 'important'.

    Didn't France recently pass a law that says you can't take a plane if you can get there within 2-1/2 hours by train? I'm thinking Trudeau is saying to himself "why in the fuck didn't I think of that".

    1. The diction Nazi is here! Look up hoi polloi. I think that you meant hoi oligoi.

    2. Abe has it right. Maybe you misread his comment or you don't know the difference between hoi oligoi and hoi polloi. To paraphrase he said the law will only apply to the masses and the hoi oligoi will be exempt.

    3. Dude, I'm not a diction Nazi, I'm a Three Stooges fan! That was the name of one of the greatest Three Stooges episodes ever! And, you're a moron because hoi polloi means just was Daryl said. The common man. Jeeze...

  7. Why are they even reporting on a proposal from an "engineer" and then surveying 1,010 people to see what they think?

    1. They surveyed 1,010 people to see If they think. Results show 41% don't.

  8. I will gladly gift my 4 flights to someone who needs more. I don't plan on ever flying again. If I can't drive to my destination, then I figure I don't need to go there.
    I flew on a near weekly basis in the late 1980s thru the 1990s. That was when the seats and legroom on planes were reasonably comfortable, and you weren't groped on your way thru security. The last time I flew was over 10 years ago, and I don't care to repeat the experience again.

  9. So ban those 4 in 10 people from making more than 4 flights a year. Boom, got 40% of what they want! Way better than zero %.

  10. Is this an average of 4 flights per person on the planet? If that's the case, anyone who wants to fly has an ass load of flights left. There's a billion people in India alone who'll never come close to an airport, let alone fly.

  11. I would be much more draconian,no more combustion engines.All politicians and elites must use sailboats for all future trips!
    For the greater good

    1. Freeloaders! Make them work for it by rowing. Oh, and they have to pay for their oar.

  12. I've been to France and my ancestors are French Canadian, maritime provinces, and to be completely honest I found France boring, dull, dirty and the food is definitely overrated so who gives a fuck what they think...

  13. I call BS on the poll. Liars all of them. -sammy

  14. It seems like the people who fly the most are those who actually need to, for work or other obligations. And it is people like myself who have flown for convenience for vacations that such a move would only cause minor problems, but no life altering changes.
    I have a much better idea. Leave people the hell alone to do what they want to do, also known as freedom.

  15. I'm willing to sell a few flights to the highest bidder

  16. The Frogs showed the world what they were made of in 1940 when they capitulated to the Nazis, and established the Vichy collaborationist government allied with the Axis forces, and aided Japan in it’s attack on the Allies in 1941. For any French apologists out there, consider that all French resistance groups never had more than 2,000 active members all up nationwide, until two days before the Allied invasion on June 6th, 1944, after which they seemingly all claimed to be freedom fighters. Fuck the Frogs.

    1. I used to believe what my fourth-grade history books said. The History Channel, too.

  17. The US Army insured I had a hell of a lot more than 4 flights in my 3 year hitch. Doesn't the French military have any airborne troops anymore?

    1. They're probably trying to do away with that, too.

    2. If you want to see the reality of French Troops, look up The Uzbin Valley Ambush
      Complete debacle. 18 August, 2008.
      Some of the French denials in the article are dead wrong. The details are worse that you may want to imagine. The Taliban are a humanoid cancer.
      The French pulled out of Afghanistan in 2012. Their troops are pretty good to excellent. I suspect political "leadership" compelled them into a no-win situation, and they paid heavily for it. Several complicating factors. Look for yourself.

  18. How many taco bells does France, fuck the french....gimme a taco instead....

  19. What France needs is a little generational gratitude, considering the frogs would be croaking German if it weren't for real fighting men.

  20. I'm all for limiting the French to only 4 flights per their lifetime.

    I'm okay with them allowing assisted suicide, mandatory veganism or eat bugs, no more ICE vehicles only EVs, mandatory acceptance of every invader/refugee from Africa or the Middle East that makes to their borders, forcing their energy industry to just use wind turbines and solar panels, mandatory covid vaccines, outlawing private schooling so that the public schools have a monopoly on socialist propaganda, use preferred pronouns, allow trans to invade French womens' spaces.

    I think we should let the French volunteer to test out every bad idea that comes along.


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