
Friday, October 13, 2023

Mmm, fried okra, fried squash, fried green tomatoes, fried catfish..... it's worth it

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — The average life expectancy for a man in Tennessee is 71 years, three years below the already declining national average, according to a recently published Washington Post analysis of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


  1. Seed oils & obesity, period. What is the age for black vs. white males?

    1. In the city or country....I'll bet they are vastly different?

    2. Not so much. It's mostly drug-related. Tennessee is awash in drug-related deaths.

    3. Maybe your part of Tennessee is awash in drug related deaths, but not mine. I think I've heard of just a couple in the 7 years I've been here.
      I'm not saying there's not a drug problem here, but it's not killing people like it does in Tennessee's shithole cities.

    4. Note added in proof. I'm a Medical Examiner in Eastern Tennessee. Our Administrator recently pulled our fentanyl death cases:

      Year # deaths avg concentration
      2018 247 15.11 ng/ml
      2019 242 12.94
      2020 483 16.89
      2021 774 21.80
      2022 754 24.16

      Note that this is for *one* drug. This doesn't count the rising number of deaths in which fentanyl wasn't involved.
      2023 projected 796 28.42

    5. They don't get a lot of press.

    6. Trust me, in a town of 5000 people, if somebody dies of something other than disease or any other natural causes, it gets a LOT of press.

    7. Anon at 8:16 - holy shit. That's unreal.

    8. That's the Knoxville Regional Forensic Center. We cover around 25 counties, mostly rural -- though we have Knox, Anderson, and Sevier. We don't cover counties around Chattanooga or Johnson City -- they have their own offices. Today I worked six cases, four of which are likely drug deaths, all from rural counties. It was a light day.

    9. Well, the fentanyl problem eventually reach us, of that there is no doubt, but right now our biggest problem is meth. That shit is everywhere.

  2. Eh, so what? Better to live a full life, rather than a long, cowardly one.
    Now, allow me to translate; It's better to live a life full of "Fuck Yeah!" rather than one full of " my wife says I'm not allowed". Savvy?

  3. The first thing to remember, when contemplating this latest unproven garbage, is that it relies on data from the CDC. Which, as anyone of moderate intelligence knows, cannot be relied on. The CDC has been proven to "adjust" data to fit the political goals of its' masters and the financial goals of its' "researchers".

  4. Pretty much what I said when I heard it, Kenny. May be shorter, but they're better years in Tennessee. Of course, I may be biased.
    Tennessee Budd

  5. Yup, been here almost 9 years now. I'm making up for lost time living in So. Cal. Lots of fried food now, tryna knock down those extra years I stored up in Cali. 72 AND A HALF and counting.

  6. what they never talk about is that the "fried food is bad" data didnt start until vegetable and seed oils replaced tallow and lard... also it tasted better...

  7. My old man was 87 when he died.

  8. I'd take 71 years in TN over any number of years in any liberal shithole. (And the CDC can kiss my ass).

  9. My favorite fish and chip place (yes, I'm a dirty furriner) still cooks the chips in beef tallow. Man can you taste the difference.

  10. Hey nobody lives forever, enjoy it while you can and tell nosey busy bodies to Fuck Off

  11. Same assholes don't want us to eat bacon. If I don't get bacon with my biscuits and gravy, somebody is getting fucking hurt.
    On another note, Kenny; Lineman and I were talking about how many fuckers from the days of Scammy are still around... lots have gone dark, but there's still a few I see...

  12. Seems like a good thing. Win win in my book


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