
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Now how are they going to have a party without a karaoke machine?

CHICAGO — Two Venezuelan migrants living at the South Chicago (4th) District police station are facing misdemeanor charges after allegedly trying to shoplift a $130 karaoke machine while one was carrying more than a half-pound of pot. 

Victor Franco-Espinosa, 28, and Georleannys Garcia-Renhifo, 29, were arrested at Walmart, 10900 South Doty, last Tuesday evening.


  1. So they got enough cash for a half pound of weed, but need to steal a 130 dollar item? And have to live in the hallway of a police station?

    Yeah, we need more people like this in our country....

  2. Honest, hard working people, looking for a better life....

  3. Chicago.. Maybe they wanted to take it to O'Hare Intl. Airport and entertain their amigos.

  4. illegal immigrants!!! lemmings migrate. terns migrate.

  5. Ahh, shoplifting and dealing pot. Two Venezuelan nationals living the American 'migrant' dream. They were both released from custody with instructions to show up in court.

    Is America a great country or what?

  6. Living in a po-lease station (what?) and dealing dope. Legendary.

  7. Experienced socialists eliminating the middle man. Instead of the government stealing it and then giving it to them they steal it themselves.


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